NEW YORK - Members of the board of Lincoln University professor of the United States Kaukab Sadeeq states, Israel should be eradicated from the world map. Sadeeq (67), again emphasizing the elimination of Israel off the map. Previously, he had expressed the same thing when he joined the Labour Day celebration.

Sadeeq attitude is no doubt invite a strong reaction network automatically Zionist lobby in the United States. Reported the Washington Post.

Sadeeq however, refused to withdraw his words and Thursday (21/10) re-emphasize their demands and said it would not loosen his attitude even in the face of repression and pressure from the Zionist headquarters in the United States.

As quoted in the Washington Post, Sadeeq, professor of language and literature faculty of English at the University of Lincoln was also stated that officials approved the guidance of faculty and student opinion. Responding to accusations of anti-Semitism against him, Sadeeq said, "I am against Israel is not Jewish."

At the same time, Sadeeq states not afraid to face all the repression and threats. Sadeeq become a member of the board of Lincoln University professor in 1985 and during which he is a professor of political hard opponents of the Zionist regime in Palestine.

In his speech at Labour Day ago, Sadeeq asserted, "We must unite to defeat Israel, to destroy, and destroy it. Of course, if possible by peaceful means."

As a result of that statement, Sadeeq facing intense pressure from the Zionist-American. Even his wife worried about the safety and security Sadeeq. According to him, "If Sadeeq not official university lecturer, then the Zionists had long been kicked."

In response to this Sadeeq claimed to be ignorant of what will be done by the Zionists are saying, "I will not retreat." I give appreciation for his courage. (SourceREPUBLIKA.CO.ID)

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