Jews against israel

Not All jews agree with zionist ideology, When Israel bombed Gaza earlier this year, a group of Jewish anti-Zionist demonstration in front of Israeli Consulate in New York to protest the brutality of it. The demonstration they called "Emergency Protest to Stop the massacre in Gaza."

Maybe we are somewhat surprised when I hear there are Jews who oppose Israel. Most of us would think that every Jew must necessarily Zionist supporters of Israel. Apparently not, in my research, many Jewish leaders who opposed the Zionist-Israeli conflict. Even the criticality of the Jews against Israeli policy and Zionism has a long history.

Before World War II, the majority are non-Zionist Jew, and a large number of openly oppose Zionism. As written by Nahum Goldmann, former president of the World Jewish Congress, in The Jewish Paradox, "When Zionism first appeared on the world stage, most Jews opposed it and mencercanya. Herzl is only supported by a minority. "It was only after realizing the Holocaust horror, a large number of Jewish community support Zionism.

Let us identify some prominent Jewish anti-Zionist Israel. Albert Einstein once stated rejection of the creation of a Jewish state to the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, which is studying the problem of Palestine in January 1946. Einstein also later rejected the offer as president of Israel. In 1950, Einstein published the following statement: "I am more likely to seek an agreement with the Arabs based on living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. My knowledge will be essential nature of Judaism against the idea of ​​a Jewish state with borders, soldiers, and power no matter how simple. "

Erich Fromm, the famous scholar, was also critical of Zionism. He stated: "Jewish Claims against the Land of Israel can not be a realistic political claim. If all the people suddenly claim territory in which their forefathers lived two thousand years ago, this world would become chaotic. "

Israel excited when four children of right-wing Zionist political pioneer changed against the political legacy of their fathers. The best known is Yigal Arens, the son of former Likud defense minister, Moshe Arens. Yigal Arens is a steadfast opponent of Israeli occupation. Dana Olmert, the daughter of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert attend anti-war demonstrations during the last Lebanon war.

During recent years, the Jewish and Palestinian peace activists demonstrate every Friday in the village of Bilin, on the edge barrier. One of the protesters who regularly attend Israel was the grandson of Menachem Begin: Begin Aminadav. Imagine how the people of Israel respond to the phenomenon that, when Menachem Begin was the god of right-wing Zionism.

The fourth, Avrum Burg writes books defeating Hitler, who harshly criticized Israel and the Zionist activities. He has left a legacy that is committed to the Zionist family. His father, Yosef Burg, decades of serving as chairman of the National Religious Party of Israel.

Then there were the Jewish journalist who in his writings often against Israel. The journalist Amira Hass Ha'aretz newspaper often sympathetic to the Palestinian people and viewpoints critical of Israeli policy on Palestinians. He lived in Gaza and has written a book about the suffering of Gaza, entitled Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land under Siege. Another journalist Gideon Levy. She regularly went to the Occupied Territories to cover the suffering of the Palestinian people.

From Ilan Pappé academia there is now a professor of history at the University of Exeter, UK. He previously was a senior lecturer of political science at Haifa University. He was expelled from Israel because of his view that the Palestinian side. He once said: "I support Hamas in its resistance against Israeli occupation. Countries that do whatever the occupation can not be called democratic country. "Ilan Pappé once wrote an article entitled" Genocide in Gaza, ethnic cleansing in the West Bank "published in the Tehran Times. His writings in The Electronic Intifada also pitched the same.

So who does not know Noam Chomsky? He was often labeled anti-Semitic because it is the most attacked Jewish critics of Israeli policy. There is also a Jewish scholar who had long resided in Gaza: Dr. Sara Roy, Harvard University scientists who do research in the Gaza Strip and West Bank since 1985 in the field of economic and social development. Although the study of economics, Roy Israel sharply criticized in his writings.

In his book The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-Development, Roy argues that damage the Palestinian economy under Israeli occupation is more severe than that experienced by other colonial territories. For Roy, the basic purpose of Israel not to exploit, but rather belong to deprive the Palestinian people. "They robbed the sources of the most important economic resources," said Roy.

Perhaps more surprising is there are many rabbis who became loud opponent of the Zionist-Israeli. Among them was Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Friedman from Austria. He was known for his participation in the International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust in 2006 in Tehran. In that forum, Friedman even kissed by Ahmadinejad.

If the Muslims against Israel, of course we look at it is natural. However, if it turns out quite a lot of Jews who oppose Israel, of course the world will realize that the Israeli atrocities against Palestinians is beyond the limit.( haris priyatna)

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