Ahmadinejad biography

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or can be read Ahmadinezhad (Persian:, born October 28, 1956) was the sixth President of Iran. Position presidency began on August 3, 2005. He served the mayor of Tehran from May 3, 2003 until June 28, 2005 when he was elected as president. He is widely known as a conservative leader who has an Islamist outlook.

Born in the farming village of Aradan, near Garmsar, about 100 km from Tehran, as the son of a blacksmith, his family moved to Tehran when he was one year old. He graduated from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) with a doctorate in engineering and traffic and transportation planning.

In 1980, he was the chief representative IUST for sororities, and involved in the establishment of the Office for relationships Unity (list-e tahkim-e vahdat), a student organization that was behind the seizure of the Embassy of the United States which resulted in the Iranian hostage crisis.

During the Iran-Iraq War, Ahmedinejad joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in 1986. He was involved in missions at Kirkuk, Iraq. He later became chief engineer sixth army corps and the corps chief of staff in the west of Iran. After the war, he served as vice governor and governor of Maku and Khoy, Advisor of the Minister of Culture and Islamic teachings, and the governor of Ardabil province from 1993 to October 1997.

Ahmadinejad then elected as mayor of Tehran in May 2003. In his tenure, he returned many of the changes made before the mayor-mayor who is more moderate and reformist, and the importance of religious values ​​in the activities in cultural centers. In addition, he also became a kind of manager in the daily Hamshahri and fired the editor, Mohammad Atrianfar, on June 13, 2005, several days before the presidential election, because they do not support him in the election.

Ahmadinejad has been known to quarrel with President Mohammad Khatami, who then forbade him to attend the meeting of the Council of Ministers, a right normally granted to the mayor of Tehran. He has publicly criticized Khatami, accusing him of not knowing the problems of everyday Iranians.

Ahmadinejad's salute to the Ayatollah Khamenei after two years as mayor of Tehran, and Ahmadinejad was elected as new president of Iran. Shortly after his election, on June 29, 2005, had come allegations that he was involved in the Iran hostage crisis in 1979. Iran Focus claimed that the release of a photograph showing Mr Ahmadinejad was walking guide of the hostages in the event, but this allegation was never proven

The following data about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Born: Aradan, October 28, 1956

Position: President of Iran, the sixth

Education: doctorate degree in engineering and traffic planning and transport Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST)


* Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (1986)
* Corps of Engineers sixth army chief and chief of staff corps in the west of Iran
* Vice-governor and governor of Maku and Khoy
* Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Islamic Teachings
* Governor of the province of Ardabil (1993-1997)
* Mayor of Tehran (3 May 2003 - June 28, 2005)
* Iranian president (August 3, 2005 - present)

Laughter When Ahmadinejad Speaking at the U.S. University
New York (AFP) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who bad-mouth as a contender dijelek Holocaust, terrorist supporter and advocate of the resistance movement in Iraq, was able to bring laughter during a speech at Columbia University, United States (U.S.), though not through jokes .

"In Iran there are no homosexuals, like in your country," Ahmadinejad said on Monday, when answering questions about the executions in Iran, which recently made to two men who like similar.

He replied, "In Iran there is no phenomenon, I do not know who told you that we have it so."

Loud laughter and insults "booo" is released about 700 people, mostly students, who attended the Ivy League school. They, among others, wore T-shirts that read "Stop Ahmadinejad` s Evil "(stop Satan Ahmadinejad).

At the beginning, he argued about the Israeli torture of Palestinians and Iran's nuclear program which aims for energy and not for weapons, before commenting on homosexual breaking the tension.

Ahmadinejad, who spoke in Persian is actually trying to make a joke, but failed to make the laughter because of the possibility of nuance is lost in translation.

"I'll tell a joke here," he said. "I think the politicians who seek an atomic bomb or test it, make them, politically they are backward, stupid."

Attendees doubt, partly due to applaud it as a statement of peace, while others are confused by the word sensitive idiot.

Ahmadinejad's visit on Tuesday will make a speech at the UN General Assembly is not free from objections, such as the U.S. House of Representatives member from electoral district of New York, Anthony Weiner, who told the protesters in front of UN Headquarters said, "sometimes there are snakes roam the streets New York. "

The New York Daily News front page headline in the news writing of "The Evil Has Landed" (devil has landed).

Rector of the University of Columbia is the same, he called the Iranian president was "petty and evil dictator." (http://kolom-biografi.blogspot.com/2009/03/biografi-mahmoud-ahmadinejad.html)

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