
In this era of globalization now, we do not have a foreign name with the Internet. Internet is a means to get various information needed by the whole society. Internet initially appear in 1969 in the U.S., which is preceded by technology project conducted by the U.S. department. ARPA called the project objective is to conduct research for the benefit of the smooth progress and tasks to the U.S. military, because then based computer called the ARPANET.

Internet is a global information system based computer. so, interacting with the Internet is also interacting with the computer. the Internet would not exist without the computer. Like a ship without Nahkoda, I also can not be the way! Similarly, the Internet, without a computer we can not access the Internet. To access the internet we only need a computer, modem, and phone lines. Even when this does not need to make the phone network, simply by using the wireless Internet. so, it is not easy to access the Internet?

The facilities in the Internet: E-mail (electronic mail), Bulletin Board System (BBS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Information Browsing (gopher), the Remote Login (Telnet), Advanced Browsing (www), Automated Title search ( archie, carnetsdebords), automated content search, and audio and visual communication.

The existence of the Internet to give a positive impact for the entire society including youth users. There they can quickly get the information, can search for it using Google or the other way. But most teenagers use the Internet to find friends, chat, send e-mail and search tasks course or school assignment. Among the youth today are more rampant, is now disbursed. They find friends through frienster and can also tell-tell photos or others.

Internet not only to search for information only, but can be used as a place of sale of goods and services. Sales through the Internet is called the E-commerce (electronic commerce). Muncunya term was in line with the development of disciplines of computer and internet. E-com can be interpreted as the exchange of goods, services, and / or information through electronic medium with money that benefits the payment is done by using a credit card (credit card). The range of this business through the Internet from people ordering flowers for example, selling books, magazine subscriptions, until the payment of thousands of rupiah for the purchase of processor chip that will be used for computers.

The first step that must be made by the businessmen is to create a "home" that will function as a shop on the internet. Through this homepage, he can disseminate information about the company, pruduk, and services in the offer. Benefits of E-com itself can reduce expenditures is fixed, because the company can save the number of employees, and thus also for salaries and expenses of physical infrastructure. And vice versa, for the consumer E-com offer greater convenience and more options for goods and services purchased will be the correct price is better.

In addition to the positive impact, the Internet can also give a negative impact on the community, especially among teenagers. For example, adolescents open on porn sites on the Internet. That is one of the deviant behavior of teenagers. There they can view pornographic images, scenes, scenes that could shake the faith of human beings, and it can damage the morale of all the young generation that is the successor nations.

In addition, the negative impact of the Internet is the relief of various crimes. Among them is the theft of money in the bank through the Internet, and usually people who are experts in the field called Hacker. These criminal acts difficult to detect because of the tactics they use their own codes and in particular the implementation of their mission. And it can not all be the other party. Bank piercing slide this disadvantage because the number of countries that diraut not only millions of rupiah, except trillyun rupiah. Examples of other crimes is a sweepstakes fraud dealers. And many more criminal acts carried out through the Internet.

From the above statement concluded that the Internet can help many people in running the day-to-day activities. The Internet can also impact positively and negatively depending on how we use it.

by Zakiah (most of Communication Sciences UNIMAL Semester IV)

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