Social and cultural

meaning of Anarki

Titles in the news media a few days ago saying, Kapolri: Pendemo Anarkis It followed earlier. Seeing the title, I began to be exercised. I ire because the words appear Anarkis now often in use for that sure brutal act of violence or by a group of people. The demonstration ended with ricuhpun mentioned anarki action. View of this phenomenon, the word "anarki" has been the mistaken dimaknai. Fallacious because it can only be duping the public, as efforts to reject, mendiskriditkan, cornered an ideology / understand (isme) that not all ideal, the ideal diusungnya like that.

Need to be made clear before, I'm not understand the anarki (anarchism), although there are some things in the mind-understand the thinking that gave little color ideal, my personal ideal. Especially the topic of discussion amongst the social dynamics.

If we examine the words of Etymology anarki, anarki word is a word of English serapan Anarchy or anarchie (Netherlands / Germany / France), which stems from the Greek word anarchos / anarchein. Next, the word is formed from "a" (no / no / naught / negasi) disisipi the "n" with archos / archein (government / power or the parties implement the control and authority - the koersif, repressive, including slavery and Portland) . Anarchos / anarchein = without government or the management and coordination with the relationship rule and governed, control and domination, and the head are, control and manageable, and others. Meanwhile Anarkis means that people trust and follow anarki. (wikipedia Indonesia)

Indeed, the travel history, the disciple understand anarki in various aksinya often use violence as a "method" to convey ideas, ideas. Even some say the violence is a step that is quite effective in protecting ideas. Furthermore, violence and the like should be done when faced with "capitalism" and "country" in the context of the system.

We know and understand the history to prove when (isme) capitalized collaborate with the country (to the system), can be seen very strong and it dominannya collaboration. Is not only capitalism, socialism, communism, or understand the lainpun allow that. Wal-result is very reasonable when you want to be dominated, and the anarki do it. Capitalist also been doing the same even harder, but how wrapped more "beautiful".

However, when we want to further examine the ideas and idealogi offered by anarki understand in the beginning, the idea did not touch at all with the action / action violence. Similar to understand some of the other. Attractive again, a thinker anarkis, Alexander Berkman, said,

"Anarchism is not a Bomb, irregularity or chaos. Not a robbery and murder. Also not a war between the slightly against all. Means not return kekehidupan barbarity, or conditions of the wild man. Anarchism is the reverse of all that. Anarchism means that you should be free. That no one can enslave you, you become an employer, rob you, or force you. That means that you should be free to do what you want, have the opportunity to choose the kind of life you want and live in it without them, have equality of rights, and live in peace and harmony as brothers. Means that there can not be war, violence, monopoly, poverty, oppression, and enjoy the opportunity to live together in equality. "(Alexander Berkman, What is Communist Anarchist 1870 - 1936)

Freedom is truly free and the substance of human existence idependen is the ideal diusung by anarchism. Even a Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876), Anarki of the most revolutionary, nor promote the model of violence in the struggle understand anarki. Although Bakunin have a strong statement against the domination of the country with full kemunafikkan at the time. Up to the time-starters may still occur, when the country Authority to play a role to exploit even the components of other countries for personal or group -

Indeed, the model had diusung violence by a group of the anarki understand. But that's not quite fair when we make generalizations meaning, and even tend to mendiskriditkan, menciderai understanding of the meaning or place tonight. If I want to see from a negative mindset, if this is a systematic effort to understand the hold-understand the question by the credo anarki to continue the domination and hegemoninya. And according to my opinion this is a systematic effort to violence, killing and brutal "character" isme anarki. But who can say that here is identical with violence? (According ratupelissa

Social and cultural

Now that my stay

My child, Tukgunung, who turned age teenagers disappointed because his father, on Thursday (24 / 5) night, spend the impression Foreign Correspondence in the ABC TV about punk in Yogyakarta. "Cool man!" Comment.
Siangnya I get a phone contact from the Gallery of Modern Art (Goma) in Brisbane to meet in a pub with Punkasila, one of the groups in the impressions of TV a night, just a welcome one and the platform for success in Goma, 26 May. While waiting for their late arrival, I remember, remember the picture of punk in the mid-1990s in Yogyakarta, especially students Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI). City earrings, bracelet, necklace and the metal skin of fruit like durian. Body-body with dirty, bertato, with the rattle chains and the sequence pin here and there. Crumpled jacket and dark hair with ragged or model of "Hawk" with the paint colors such as reptiles in the Amazon interior. Punk in Yogyakarta integral part of the reform movement in the city. They were concerned with the movement antimiliterisme, fascism. Most of them join the Mona Marzouk, a group of young perupa resistance in the reform-based art for the downtrodden people. Or picture in the big cities in the UK in the 1970s pop group with young musicians improvise with the tools with cheap production cost performance, the watch groups in the small / limited in the former factories parents not applicable. In older buildings, not populated in the land. Sex pistol one of the groups leading the punk music in the UK. Punk rejected the order and against the reliability of the borju. Including the reliability of the music on the period marked by large supermarket size and sophisticated. Musical instruments and sound system device that assured-ton displacement, the electricity bermega mega-watt, with spectators in the. Concert style of Pink Floyd, for example. Punk not need it. And, perhaps, true punk reject the existence of money as a consistent stance on the ideology anarkisnya. Or picture punk in Brisbane 1970s known as the more militant in compare with the punk in Sydney or Melbourne. Punk in Brisbane to become one of the strengths of the government press. State of Queensland, known as the conservative government, corrupt and repressive in the 1970s. Punk music group The Saints from Brisbane to be prominent among the group of punk music in Australia, the Saints become a heroic symbol in the punk movement in Australia. Regime hegemony will always be faced with organic elements, such as among artists, as Antonio Gramsci argues. So, usually will work interesting and authentic. It is also assumed by Robert Leonard from New Zealand, who two years ago became the director of the Institute of Modern Arts Brisbane to discuss with the author; "But the interesting and challenging position if this occurs in the era of the 1970s in Brisbane." In fact, picture-picture of my fumble. Punkasila that I met the young people who polite and warm. They are Danius, Hahan, Atjeh, Iyok, Janu, Thee ONE and Only, Krisna, and Wimo. With the skin clean, invisible bertato, no device or accessory which refers to punk in their body or clothing. Kromo inggil (Java language fine) sometimes used. Felt "benign" and the size of Light to follow-on punk. And, according to them, Punkasila not punk as Friday in the first Mona Marzouk out in the former building long CONTENTS. Night May 26, 2007, attended by more than one hundred audience, Punkasila rock music rocknya through Goma. Showing them that night is a sign to close the exhibition of contemporary art of Asia-Pacific Triennial V. An exhibition of settling the new building as the largest gallery in Australia in the open on Dec. 1 last year. After from Brisbane, will Punkasila stage in Melbourne next week. By using the Indonesian language and English-overlapping tindih body movement and spontaneous, witty, from vocalist Hahan, Punkasila able communicative atmosphere and melt the frozen visitors generally formal. Stage their pictures hanging posters ala Bollywood movies. With the corners with the FPM-I / A (front of a public defender Melukis-Indonesia/Australia) Songs they declare war stands. As a foreigner who initially vibrant learning the Indonesian language, Danius Kesminas (pematung origin Melbourne) feel the use of the acronym that many in the print media to make Danius increasingly confused and is more severe in learning the Indonesian language. From the tension this Danius and colleagues from the student art CONTENTS declare war against the acronym through music. Then, acronym-acronym that we know the previous diplesetkan a new understanding. For example, DEN (National Economic Council) to Dangerman Disc Top, the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) so fans Comics Indonesia, PNU (Party of Nahdlatul Ummah) to: Nunut Udud Party (Java: follow-up ngrokok party), Kopassus (Special Force Komando) to: Like Milk command team, and others. There are 18 acronyms (18 songs) that they bring that night. They put on costumes doreng that their military style design with the batik technique. Bordiran complete with name badge and clothing kesatuannya. The shape of the electric guitar that they play like M16 automatic rifle. Lengkaplah memarodikan military. "For fun, and we like it," said Danius. Punk is a reverse flow of ideology during the early resistance movement now living memories. They no longer inhabit spaces in the dark and stinking cold night, but in the bright sunlight while ngeceng, or photos with the tourists in the city of London Mall, Brisbane, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo. Punk has lost power pemberontakannya. Punk, your story now synonymous with fashion. i Agree(Menurut Dadang Christanto)

social and cultura

Taring Padi in Bahasa Indonesia refers to the sharp tip, or “teeth,” of the rice plant. For the members of the Taring Padi Artists collective it is a metaphor for people power.

Fragments of the old Taring Padi Web site live on in the Internet Archive:

“taring padi is an independent non-profit cultural community which is based on the concept people’s culture. taring padi is committed to using its artistic and cultural pursuits to contribute actively to the democratisation process in indonesia and elsewhere. taring padi will continue to struggle for social justice and liberation from oppression for all peoples, and the environment.”

The collective creates posters and murals, publishes a newsletter, and participates in street performance with puppets, poetry, and musical groups.(according

Yogyakarta [a city in central Java] is renowned historically as a center for serious cultural Simple, it in the visual arts. Yogya serious artists have embraced the anti-Colonial and revolutionary causes since early in the twentieth century. Like their predecessors, Mona Marzouk artists Promote the concept of people's art - the art populist - Loose a term that defines the artist's social commitment and popular orientation. Mona Marzouk Attempt to put this into Practice through Credo Concrete action, rather than just aesthetic empathy for the plight of the 'oppressed masses'.

Mainstream art, the conventional system of Curators, art galleries and collectors, is something Avoid Mona Marzouk. Rather, they cultivate relations with other progressive Organizations including students, transport, and the urban poor. Such was the case for the World Food Day action, when Mona Marzouk collaborated with Mbah Seko and his group of organic farmers called Farmers Lestari (Conservation Farmers), as well as with activists from the environmental non-Government organització Nowhere. At the demonstration, activists shared out the Simple wayangamong themselves. The cast of puppet figures symbolised the various' Actors' involved in the pesticide 'drama'....

In the period before the June 1999 elections, a number of Indonesian cities experienced heightened unrest. Political commentators predicted 'civil war,' and the media fuelled the volatile pre-Economy atmosphere by nurturing Perceived religious, Ethnic and racial tensions. As a response, Mona Marzouk drive to produce a series of woodcut Posters which carried messages and send Solidarity promoting social interrelations. Between March and June 1999, they distributed approximately 10,000 woodcut Posters throughout major cities in Java, Sumatra and South Sulawesi. The woodcuts, hand-printed on the draft paper, were pasted on city Streets, on Churches and mosques, on village notice boards, in the food stalls in the market places.

Among their other artworks, Mona Marzouk issue a popular pamphlet called The People's Trumpet. A series of Banners and Murals resemble the work of Mexican muralist Diego Riviera. Mona Marzouk Banners are often commissioned by other Organizations. The women's division of the National Human Rights Commission ordered a series of them. Titled The evacuation, the Banners depict the harsh realities of the Refugee crisis in Aceh by focusing on women's daily struggles.

Canine PadiBut Mona Marzouk also use Banners and Murals for community purposes, and now the local people to be part of the painting process. Mona Marzouk's protagonist Ethos involves a Collective, process-oriented production of artworks. They want to eliminate illusive notions of the artist as' genius' or 'Spring Lovin' individual, and of the artworks as somehow 'SACRED'. Mona Marzouk artworks does not carry recognition of the 'individual' Artistic Creator. Instead it is stamped with the Mona Marzouk 'democracy' insignia - a sprig of rice, red star and the cogwheel. "(according


In this era of globalization now, we do not have a foreign name with the Internet. Internet is a means to get various information needed by the whole society. Internet initially appear in 1969 in the U.S., which is preceded by technology project conducted by the U.S. department. ARPA called the project objective is to conduct research for the benefit of the smooth progress and tasks to the U.S. military, because then based computer called the ARPANET.

Internet is a global information system based computer. so, interacting with the Internet is also interacting with the computer. the Internet would not exist without the computer. Like a ship without Nahkoda, I also can not be the way! Similarly, the Internet, without a computer we can not access the Internet. To access the internet we only need a computer, modem, and phone lines. Even when this does not need to make the phone network, simply by using the wireless Internet. so, it is not easy to access the Internet?

The facilities in the Internet: E-mail (electronic mail), Bulletin Board System (BBS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Information Browsing (gopher), the Remote Login (Telnet), Advanced Browsing (www), Automated Title search ( archie, carnetsdebords), automated content search, and audio and visual communication.

The existence of the Internet to give a positive impact for the entire society including youth users. There they can quickly get the information, can search for it using Google or the other way. But most teenagers use the Internet to find friends, chat, send e-mail and search tasks course or school assignment. Among the youth today are more rampant, is now disbursed. They find friends through frienster and can also tell-tell photos or others.

Internet not only to search for information only, but can be used as a place of sale of goods and services. Sales through the Internet is called the E-commerce (electronic commerce). Muncunya term was in line with the development of disciplines of computer and internet. E-com can be interpreted as the exchange of goods, services, and / or information through electronic medium with money that benefits the payment is done by using a credit card (credit card). The range of this business through the Internet from people ordering flowers for example, selling books, magazine subscriptions, until the payment of thousands of rupiah for the purchase of processor chip that will be used for computers.

The first step that must be made by the businessmen is to create a "home" that will function as a shop on the internet. Through this homepage, he can disseminate information about the company, pruduk, and services in the offer. Benefits of E-com itself can reduce expenditures is fixed, because the company can save the number of employees, and thus also for salaries and expenses of physical infrastructure. And vice versa, for the consumer E-com offer greater convenience and more options for goods and services purchased will be the correct price is better.

In addition to the positive impact, the Internet can also give a negative impact on the community, especially among teenagers. For example, adolescents open on porn sites on the Internet. That is one of the deviant behavior of teenagers. There they can view pornographic images, scenes, scenes that could shake the faith of human beings, and it can damage the morale of all the young generation that is the successor nations.

In addition, the negative impact of the Internet is the relief of various crimes. Among them is the theft of money in the bank through the Internet, and usually people who are experts in the field called Hacker. These criminal acts difficult to detect because of the tactics they use their own codes and in particular the implementation of their mission. And it can not all be the other party. Bank piercing slide this disadvantage because the number of countries that diraut not only millions of rupiah, except trillyun rupiah. Examples of other crimes is a sweepstakes fraud dealers. And many more criminal acts carried out through the Internet.

From the above statement concluded that the Internet can help many people in running the day-to-day activities. The Internet can also impact positively and negatively depending on how we use it.

by Zakiah (most of Communication Sciences UNIMAL Semester IV)


Here are some ways you search the Internet without the expense of capital money we need to get money / money from the internet. I share tips to make you please read how to finish.


How to start a business in the cyber world is this?
First you'll need at least one email, but we recommend a 3 email:
1. Email to friends and family,
2. Email to business contacts,
3. Email newsletter to receive spam that sometimes intervene.

Please list of products like local and overseas there is no prohibition, but I need to remember the local own space limitations, not like Yahoo or GMail capacity of more than 1 GB.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

So have the email, take advantage of this email which read every email
If you join the E-mailPayU you will be paid every one (1) read the email with $ 0.02. Assuming the United States and $ 1 for Rp.9000 then you will get Rp 180 rupiah per email. Then the day you get 3 emails will be Rp 540 per day. In a month you will get 540x30 = Rp.16.200, -.

Please Click below:

1. Remember the email must be read and you are required to visit the link listed at the bottom of the email to obtain credit. So not only the origin of the email, so that we may not read the email offline.
2. Still! If all diwarnet or packing the dial-up folks short ??????? That alone if you are reading.
3. If you already have downtime, Each email read by your downline will increase the amount of your credit points. Each email read by each of your downline up to level 2, you will earn $ 0:01.
4. Imagine if you already have a minimal downtime to direct as many as 10 people and each person 3 to read the email, then you in a day without additional costs already have 10x270 = Rp 2,700.

REMEMBER ANY without the cost.

5. We can? Because of the cost to about to read your email downtime is not you. That is called passive income. This means that the additional revenue that comes without you must try. So how can in a month? Living multiply 2700x30hari only Rp 81,000 to Rp = -.
6. Now, if each of downtime you have 10 more downtime means you have 10 10x10 = 110. So in a month you get 110x270x30 = Rp891.000, -. That is, if your downtime as much as 110 people
7. So what if more than 1000 people? The countdown to live their own results. Is it possible? MAY ONE of the E-mailPayU is based international program, so if you want to have downtime from overseas websites you must speak english.

1. You do not have free internet, can read it once a week.
2. Then, to save time, open the email first, to get credit, right-click on the link that was appointed and select Open Link in New Window or the Open Link in New Tab.
3. Then delete the email and open a second email, while it let the browser open the link was.
4. After the link was opened, and after you get the message that you can credit points, close the browser window that was open links, continue reading the second email.
5. Or if the link to open the second long, you can read the second email if the email is open the second. So forth.
6. To obtain additional points, you can visit the E-mailPayU, and click on the image uanglogam legged (paidtoclick), and the contents underneath with your username, and you will open the site outsourcer.
7. After then click open the page in written form over the "here and click another banner," and then click again in the second picture to picture, etc. to 7.

Please join with the click below:


If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

During your surfing (about) you would also be paid? Follow the program's trust. Sign has a target of 10 million members on 1 July 2007 and is planning to remove the shares on the London stock exchange (London Stock Exchange).
1. So members not only get the ad revenue, but also get the company's shares.
2. This is the companies that make money from the use of the Viewbar and get a portion of each member.
3. Principle works as follows, every time you do a search through the Viewbar his trust you will get a commission from the owners of the search engine. Learn more about the trust read here.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

You take Surveysavvy program, you will be directed to fill out the form with payment to the survey between $ 2 to $ 7sekali fill depending on the advertiser. But in a month only to have the opportunity to fill out 10 times. Assuming only 5 times a month, it will be at least $ 10, equivalent to Rp 90.000an. Fair with only take about 20 menitan can Rp 90rb.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

Would like to have online stores (e-commerce) such as the Amazon? Can see an example here. FreeStoreClubm other than free will also be given training short to start the business.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

Once you have a follow-up program, the time for you to start searching for your downtime.
1. For that you would not want to be a website (site) that people can be accessed from anywhere. If you want to be followed by the entire world, the site you must be using English.
2. Include a list of programs that you follow with your affiliate links such as the following example:; The number / letter BBCZ4303
This merupkan affiliate link code that each member is different.
3. So should really be included, so that when there are candidates who register downtime be recorded as your downtime.
4. If I can not / understand the writing on the website how? Indeed, to create a website can be charged understand the HTML code, but if the website that you can make it simple to use MS Word, and in the Save As: Web Page. But if you want to learn, you can use Microsoft's MS FrontPage, Dreamweaver from Macromedia, etc.. Including the free (Freeware) is not a problem.
5. Now the list only in DotEasy or BraveNet, both also free. If you want the amenities but pay more in the list Starlogic.

If necessary, the list only in two places so that when one server is falling there is still spare the other. So, if you register at Doteasy and Bravenet,
one of the problematic if you still have a backup.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

After the list and you have a website, you may complain, my website address of my long once.
1. If the list at Bravenet: and what may condense my address? The answer may be, the Internet is now scattered, which provides services cut site address.
2. Ex CJB.NET, kindergartens, CO.NR. If for example the name of the website you bisnisku then you can address or and Everything you live a select which prefer.

Listing Service Penyingkat Address Site Can Be Found Here.
If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:
After a website, you must promote. Why? If not promoted because of how the Internet users of the existence of your website. As well as any site if you are not promoted then other people will not know. How the campaign can be beaten with 2 points, namely the offline and online.
1. For the offline you can distribute leaflets / pamphlets, anywhere and plug in newspaper ads or advertisement sheet. But it all need to pay the cost of aliases.
2. For online there are also several ways, namely:
a. To the list of search engines (search engines),
b. In the ad list internet lines, exchanges of banners and links,
c. And use the signature in every email you.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

Usually if the list in the free search engine, the process is long enough. Most fast course at least 2 weekly.
1. There are fast but not that big search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is the third big 3 players in the world of search engines.
2. It manages to, Submit your site at various ad providers, internet, free of the corresponding dengai beginning our motto: free. This is one of the advantages the Internet world.
3. If in any normal newspaper ad pairs free, but the number in the hundreds of Internet .....

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

STEP 10:
One of the ways that we can be accessed by Internet users other than the eighth and nine steps, we can exchange good banners and links with fellow owners of the site in order to increase visitors.
1. Some providers provide banner exchange for free with the ratio varies from 1:1 to 1:3.
2. If the 1:1 means that if your site shows the site was once the banner you get a one-time allocation also shown.
3. Meanwhile, the 1:3 if you show him the site 3 times you get a quota banners appear on the site was 1.
4. Meanwhile, the tarry link, this is the first of two types, one way link the second two way link alias reciprokal link.
a. One way links, which you place a link to your site in a site that
without the obligation to provide a prominent link to the site.
b. Reciprokal, required to install a link to the site.

5. Remember! Do not send someone to call, which people do not know you. This is called spamming. This is the doghouse all people.
6. If they want to, send it to friends, partners and relatives that you already know.

If you are still confused or have suggestions, please contact us:

STEP 11:
Once you have a website and promoted, then you have downtime, and you have to collect the value / points / commission money, how can you accept.
1. Some programs pay members through the check (well as checks at the bank's) and we live ditukerkan to the bank here.
2. But here is generally the bank would receive a check outside if the value of not less than $ 20.(according cyber of technology information)


Blink-182 drummer survives plane crash

Travis Barker, former drummer with Blink-182, and DJ AM are expected to make a full recovery from burns sustained in a plane crash on Friday

Blink-182 drummer and DJ AM

Adam Goldstein (DJ AM) and Travis Barker at this year's MTV Video Music Awards. Photograph: Chris Pizzello/AP

Hours after performing in front of thousands of students in South Carolina, Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker and DJ AM were seriously injured in a Learjet crash that killed four people, including the pilot.

The plane veered off a runway in Columbia, South Carolina shortly after midnight on Friday. It crashed through antennas and a fence, over a five-lane highway, finally halting on an embankment – and bursting into flames.

Although Barker and DJ AM, whose real name is Adam Goldstein, are recovering in hospital from their injuries, the plane's other four passengers died. They were Barker's assistant Chris Baker, 29, security guard Charles Still, 25, co-pilot James Bland, 52, and pilot Sarah Lemmon, 31.

Barker, 32, and Goldstein, 35, are being treated for second- and third-degree burns at a hospital in Augusta, Georgia. Barker sustained burns on his torso and lower body and Goldstein on his hands and part of his head. Neither suffered any other injuries.

While recovery from such burns can take as long as a year, both are expected to fully recover, according to medical director Dr Fred Mullins.

Even on Saturday, the area around the highway was thick with the smell of jet fuel. "It's absolutely terrible and tragic," Columbia mayor Bob Coble said in a statement.

The plane was taking the passengers back to Van Nuys, California after a free concert in Columbia that night. Barker and Goldstein had performed together under the name TRVSDJ-AM, alongside Jane's Addiction's Perry Farrell and pop singer Gavin DeGraw. About 10,000 people were in attendance, according to Cobie.

The tattoo-covered Travis Barker was an integral part of Blink-182, drumming with them from 1998 until their "indefinite hiatus" in 2005. He later formed the rock band +44 and has also worked with hip-hop artists such as TI, Bun B and LL Cool J. Blink-182's most successful album, 1999's Enema of the State, sold more than 5m copies in the US alone.

As DJ AM, Goldstein is a popular DJ for hire, best known not for his music but for his celebrity romances with stars like Mandy Moore and Nicole Ritchie.

Both Barker and Goldstein played as part of the "house band" for the MTV Video Music Awards earlier this month.(according

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