
Ice man mummy known as Otzi may have time to eat the moss before it died horribly. Based on recent analysis, in the stomach in 6 different types of moss.

Otzi's body was found accidentally in 1991 by a German tourist in the eastern Alps, under the ice. His body did not decompose and properly maintained in a frozen environment.

Research shows men are estimated to have died 5200 years ago at the age of 45 years. Before dying, he was wounded in the shoulder hit by an arrow and possibly killed by trauma. He may be a hunter during his lifetime.

Previously, his last meal before the meat is estimated to have died. However, in the stomach was found in moss. James Dickson from the University of Glasgow and colleagues said the findings are surprising because the moss plant species including bad especially nutritious.

Thus, the possibility of algae ingested accidentally when eating or drinking. It is possible that these moss carried food for one type of moss that swallowed likely used for wrapping food. For example type Neckera complanata.

Another possibility, drinking water Otzi moss mixed in his last days. Common moss carried in a drink is jenisHymenostylum recurvirostrum.

However, it also can be swallowed more of this type of moss Spaghnum imbricatumyang was part potions to cure wounds. Moss species are found only in the closest location 30 kilometers from the discovery of Otzi's body. That is, the ice man was carrying the moss is on its way.

"If he knows the benefits of these moss-and it sounds plausible, he may collect for treating wounds," said the researchers report in the journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany latest edition.

A small portion may be attached to the moss in her hand and joined consumed when eating meat or bread. The reason is very probably due to other than the shoulder, also known Otzi wound in the palm of his right hand.


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