history of palestine

The name "Palestine" is the cognate of an ancient word meaning "Philistines" or "Land of the Philistines".[7][8][9] The earliest known mention is thought to be in Ancient Egyptian texts of the temple at Medinet Habu which record a people called the P-r-s-t (conventionally Peleset) among the Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt in Ramesses III's reign.[10] The Hebrew name Peleshet (פלשת Pəléshseth)- usually translated as Philistia in English, is used in the Bible to denote the southern coastal region that was inhabited by the Philistines to the west of the ancient Kingdom of Judah.[11]

The Assyrian emperor Sargon II called the same region Palashtu or Pilistu in his Annals.[7][8][8][12] In the 5th century BCE, Herodotus wrote in Ancient Greek of a 'district of Syria, called Palaistinê" (whence Palaestina, whence Palestine).[7][13][14][15]

According to Moshe Sharon, Palaestina was commonly used to refer to the coastal region and shortly thereafter, the whole of the area inland to the west of the Jordan River.[7] The latter extension occurred when the Roman authorities, following the suppression of the Bar Kokhba rebellion in the 2nd century CE, renamed "Provincia Judea" (Iudaea Province; originally derived from the name "Judah") to "Syria Palaestina" (Syria Palaestina), in order to complete the dissociation with Judaea.[16][17]

During the Byzantine period, the entire region (Syria Palestine, Samaria, and the Galilee) was named Palaestina, subdivided into provinces Palaestina I and II.[18] The Byzantines also renamed an area of land including the Negev, Sinai, and the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula as Palaestina Salutaris, sometimes called Palaestina III.[18]

The Arabic word for Palestine is Philistine (commonly transcribed in English as Filistin, Filastin, or Falastin).[19] Moshe Sharon writes that when the Arabs took over Greater Syria in the 7th century, place names that were in use by the Byzantine administration before them, generally continued to be used. Hence, he traces the emergence of the Arabic form Filastin to this adoption, with Arabic inflection, of Roman and Hebrew (Semitic) names.[7] Jacob Lassner and Selwyn Ilan Troen offer a different view, writing that Jund Filastin, the full name for the administrative province under the rule of the Arab caliphates, was traced by Muslim geographers back to the Philistines of the Bible.[20]

The use of the name "Palestine" in English became more common after the European renaissance.[21] The name was officially revived and used after the fall of the Ottoman Empire (1517–1917) and applied to the territory in this region that was placed under the British Mandate for Palestine.

Some other terms that have been used to refer to all or part of this land include Canaan, Greater Israel, Greater Syria, the Holy Land, Iudaea Province, Judea,[22] Israel, "Israel HaShlema", Kingdom of Israel, Kingdom of Jerusalem, Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael or Ha'aretz), Zion, Retenu (Ancient Egyptian), Southern Syria, and Syria Palestina.LONG LIFE PALESTINE..israel9colonizer must go((wikipedia)

giant snakeheads

We know the sharks and piranhas as the most ferocious predators of water. However, their reputation seems to have heavy competition from a newcomer. Wild fish are more deadly than the piranhas and have killed people recently arrested in England coast for the first time.

The Giant Snakehead, so called because of his long and frightening teeth caught by an angler in Lincolnshire, England. Giant Snakehead is a species of various types of Snakehead fish.

This fish was given the nickname "gangster" world of his fish. He ate whatever he saw and even reported to have killed humans. This monster is thought to have come from Southeast Asia can also crawl on land and survive without water up to 4 days.

Although recently discovered, this fish has a reputation as a fearsome predator in some parts of the world. In the United States, this fish is called "Franken Fish", because it looks like a creature from a horror movie.

The fish was first captured by Andy Alder from Lincoln. He accidentally catch a fish 60 cm long when he was fishing on the river Witham near North Hykeham, UK. He said, "The fish has a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Frankly, I'm scared half to death."

Once found, these fish not only create panic only fishermen but also the nature conservation activists. An environmental organization said that if this species to breed, so he can destroy other creatures in the water and they think that this is a big disaster.

Ben Weir, a reporter from fishing magazine said, "During my life working in the fields of fishing, I've never heard much concern as it sounds. The fish are real and they are not reluctant to attack humans to protect their children."

Experts have examined photographs of these fish, and confirm that this fish is a true predator. Now, these fish have been entered in the black list of prohibited species to be imported by the British.

There are fears that these fish can be smuggled in for an aquarium pet and then released illegally. One of the world's leading anglers, Jean Francois Helias of Angling Adventures Thailand magazine said that this fish is called latin "Channa Micropeltes" is the worst of all fish species of Snakehead.

"Giant Snakehead fearless" he said. The same fish has caused chaos when they entered the waters of the United States in 2002.

The sniper set up by the river to shoot them. At that time, the river filled with blood to lure them out. For information, Snakehead adults can reach lengths of 90 cm and weighing 20 kilograms.

And guess what, exactly where these fish come from? yes, Indonesia. Snakehead species we know as "FISH GABUS". Giant Snakehead is one of the variants.


The Anglo-Zanzibar War: perang paling singkat dalam sejarah, hanya 40 menit

Perang unik antara Inggris vs Zanzibar pada 27 Agustus 1896, hanya berlangsung selama 40 menit. Ini merupakan perang terpendek dalam catatan sejarah. Pemicu perang adalah kematian pro Inggris, Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini melawan penggantinya, Sultan Khalid bin Barghash.

Sesuai perjanjian yang ditandatangani tahun 1886, pengganti Sultan harus persetujuan konsul Inggris, namun Khalid melanggar perjanjian tersebut, tanpa persetujuan Inggris Khalid naik tahta.

Inggris berang, dan memberi ultimatum untuk turun tahta, namun Khalid tak mengindahkan. Sebaliknya, merespon ultimatum Inggris, Khalid mengerahkan angkatan bersenjatanya dan membaricade istananya dari serangan Inggris.

Sikap menantang Khalid dijawab Inggris dengan serangan di pagi hari tgl 27 Agustus. Inggris membombardir Istana Khalid dan mencerai beraikan pasukan yg menjaga istana.

Setidaknya ada 500 korban dari pihak Khalid, sementara hanya satu prajurit angkatan laut Inggris yang cidera. Perang singkat itu hanya berlangsung 40 menit. Sultan Khalid pun bertekuk lutut!

The Pig War: dipicu oleh bidikan dari babi

'Perang Babi'..Ini bukan perang melawan Flu Babi atau Swine Flu, tapi Perang yang terjadi gara-gara tertembaknya seekor babi. Hahh!! Jangan kaget, tapi itulah keunikan perang ini sehingga disebut Pig War.

Terjadi tahun 1859 antara Amerika vs Inggris. Sebenarnya inti dari perang ini adalah perselisihan perebutan Pulau San Juan, yang ada di antara Pulau Vancouver dan daratan Amerika Utara.

Perang Babi, begitu dipanggil karena dipicu oleh tertembaknya seekor babi. Banyak sebutan untuk masa itu; antara lain; Episode Babi, Perang Babi dan Kentang, Perselisihan Batas San Juan atau Perselisihan Batas Barat laut.

Babi adalah satu-satunya "korban" perang, membuat konflik ini tidak berdarah alias tidak ada korban jiwa manusia.

Moldovan-Transdniestrian War: dimana kedua belah pihak 'petugas akan minum bersama-sama pada malam dan berperang pada siang hari

Moldovan-Transdniestrian War: Setelah minum-minum pada malam-malam sebelumnya, para perwira yang kemudian berbeda negara setelah Uni Soviet runtuh, kemudian menjadi saling bermusuhan dan berperang berhari-hari. Sebagaimana diketahui, setelah runtuhnya Uni Soviet, 2/3 Moldova ingin masuk Rumania, tetangganya di sebelah barat. Sementara bagian Timur, sungai Dniestr, ingin dekat Ukraina dan Rusia.

Perang pun meledak, dan timur retak dan membentuk Transdniestria, yang sampai sekarang tidak dikenal dunia. Lalu, Moldova dan Transdniestria terlibat perang. Perang ini disebut perang paling aneh di dunia. Militer lokal menyebutnya sebagai Perang Mabuk.

Bayangkan saja, bagaimana tidak disebut Perang Mabuk, para perwira dua negara itu pagi sampai sore mereka berperang mati-matian, saling menembak-membunuh satu dan lainnya, namun malamnya mereka bertemu, bersenang-senang mabok bersama. Lho..kok bisa ya..

Maklum saja, mereka sebelumnya sudah saling mengenal, hanya karena akhirnya negara berbeda karena kejatuhan Uni Soviet, membuat mereka bermusuhan. Demi negara yg mereka bela, mereka bermusuhan, tapi pertemanan tetap berjalan pada malam hari. Aneh!!!

Emu War: bagaimana Australia kehilangan perang terhadap unggas

Emu War, juga dikenal sebagai Great Emu War.Perang ini tak kalah anehnya, di mana operasi militer dilancarkan untuk melawan kawanan burung. Perang aneh ini terjadi tahun 1932 di Australia Barat. Pasukan Militer Australia (masih di bawah Inggris) dipimpin Mayor Meredith.

Tercatat, para tentara menggunakan senapan mesin lewis dan menghabiskan 10.000 selongsongan peluru. Namun perang ini sia-sia karena burung-burung yang ditembaki ini berhasil melarikan diri. Dengan kecepatan sekitar 50 km/jam (30 mph), burung-burung ini sebagian besar berhasil menghindari serangan peluru senapan mesin.

Namun begitu diperkirakan, ada sekitar 20.000 burung terbunuh. Mayor Meredith, sang komandan, tercengang dengan hasil yang tak diharapkan itu. Menteri Pertahanan Australia lalu memerintahkan pasukan mundur dan menghentikan serangan. Emu War pun berakhir dengan kekalahan pihak Australia.

Football the War: mulai dengan sebuah permainan sepak bola

Perang antara El Savador melawan Honduras tahun 1969 ini disebut Perang Sepak Bola karena berlangsungnya bertepatan dengan berlangsungnya babak kedua kualifikasi Piala Dunia 14 Juli 1969, zona Amerika Utara.

Perang ini berlangsung 100 jam atau perang lima hari. Pemicu konflik ini adalah masalah imigrasi dari El Salvador ke Honduras.Puncaknya, El Savador menyerang Honduras.

Lalu, AS menegosiasikan untuk keduanya gencatan senjata yang baru terwujud pada 20 Juli. El Salvador akhirnya ikut Piala Dunia tahun 1970, namun mereka gagal.

Sumber :

Two hunters from San Carlos, Arizona, late December and is reported to have found a strange animal carcasses is not known with characteristic curved canines. Some people considered the possibility that the creature is a chupacabra, a bloodsucking monster legendary.


As reported The Morning Star, the mystery carcass is mentioned like a cat. But there are some striking differences. Animal carcasses that have curved fangs.

In addition, he also has a front leg longer than the cats in general. One of the interesting things is the carcass seemed to have the remaining parts of the body that may be a former wing on his back.


Long tusks and front legs are generally longer description given for the chupacabra. But for this one thing, there is no official explanation of his identity.

Carcass was found by two hunters in a remote area of San Carlos, Arizona. Having found the carcass, they then gave it to local authorities to be identified.

www.themorningstarr.co.uk / tidakmenarik.wordpress.com

scary mummy in japan

Seeing these mummies were chilling goose bumps. These mummies are not shaped like a mummy that we've seen. Shape creepy, like being the devil in the most horrible form. These mummies are kept in several museums and Buddhist temples in Japan.

One of the most terrifying was the sinister form of a mummy-faced three. People call it "demon mummies" or pure evil so seramnya. This demon mummies are kept in the temple Zengyōji, where Buddhists sembayang. It is located in the city of Kanazawa, Japan.

It is said that the mummy was indeed deliberately evil stored in a true temple of the holy places in order not to wander outside and bother people.

Living legend in the community say, the devil's head mummy was discovered in the early 18th century temple in the warehouse. These findings make the priests also rippled society. Its existence is very mysterious. No one knows where the devil's head came from, and how can be there.

This demon mummy's head has two heads overlap each other in the face, one behind another (which resembles a Kappa). Manager temple displaying this demon head every spring every year.

Another demon mummy found in the temple Daijōin located in the city of Usa (Oita Prefecture). It is said that the mummy is a family heirloom, but continuing tragedy befall this family that allegedly because they kept this evil mummies. Finally mummy wrote this is a family heirloom, handed over to the temple Daijoin year 1925.

It is said also, before he reached the temple Daijoin, these mummies have been repeatedly changed ownership. But evil is always upon the owner and his family, that's why the last owner eventually handed it to the temple.

Apparently the mummy's curse has accompanied it. Anyone who has it / save it to the disaster. Now the mummy is "heavily guarded" in the temple and shown in public only at certain times.

Besides two demon mummy, mummy was still a lot of intangible demons that have been discovered. Some are stored in museums, some were kept in the temples.Mumi wajah iblis found in the warehouse Zengyoji temple, Japan.

Mumi iblis penuh kutukan

Dikatakan demikian karena mumi yg sebelumnya adalah benda pusaka keluarga ini ternyata mendatangkan bencana pada siapa saja yang menyimpannya. Kini mumi berada di kuil Daijōin, kota Usa (Oita prefecture)

Mumi bayi iblis di Rakanji temple

Kappa mummy at Zuiryūji Temple, Osaka

Mumi kappa di matsuura brewery

Mysterious mermaid mummy

Kappa mummy at the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden (Netherlands)

Mermaid mummy at the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden

Raijū mummy at Yūzanji temple

Raijū mummy at Saishōji temple.

Raijuu adalah dewa petir yang berbentuk seperti musang, makanya gambarya kayak anjing kering

Tengu mummy at Hachinohe Museum

Actually according mite belief, jinn and the like that could ga die, they turn into a mummy. Soalnya ga tau way back to its natural. These mummies had been made a kind of "Pesugihan" so essentially in any state there were about Pesugihan keprcayaan yes. Because it is the former "maintained" as certain families.

Kok story many Japanese people who "shadowed" a god or some supernatural being, and usually still in the beginning they are so rich and important positions until the end of several generations later.

After so many generations have sometimes demon jinn or requesting compensation, usually in return ya misery was a family or a curse. So there is finally given to the temple to be purified.

www.kaskus.us / www.bluefame.com

catfish eating human

A similar fish, catfish is suspected to have been genetically mutated into very large and horrible.
This fish is now the object of research scientists in Nepal and India. They worry that the fish had been killed several people after the 'feel' the human body.

This giant catfish, usually called goonch, allegedly grew after a meal of human corpses dumped in the Great Kali River, a river in Nepal-India border, where the fish was caught.

Fish that have been mutated were currently under investigation biologist Jeremy Wade. Wade studied the giant catfish for the event will be aired on television and the Five television stations in the near future.

'The locals told me a theory that this monster has grown unusually large because of eating the bodies burned. Maybe they feel the pleasure of eating human flesh after the remains were "Wade said.

"There may be some catfish that grow bigger than others and if you provide more food, then they would have grown even more" he said.

Initially, Wade thought that buayalah who eat the remains of the corpse. However, the theory that changed after he turned his attention to the goonch, one of the largest freshwater fish in the world.

He then caught one of them is estimated to weigh 55 kg with a length of almost 2 meters. Weight and size can be called a world record because it was much heavier and larger than the fish catfish ever caught before. "If the fish is caught you, you will not get away", he said.

For years, residents along the Great Kali believe there is terrible monster lurking in the river which flows in India-Nepal border is.

Only, they think this monster is always moving along the stream and target the people who bathe in the river was. Last year, 18 years old teenager from Nepal missing after being dragged into the river by something described as 'long pig shaped'.

The first victim was estimated goonch attack was a 17-year-old boy who also came from Nepal. He died after bathing in the river, past April 1988.

Witnesses said they saw the young man as drawn by something strong into the stream. Three months after the incident, a child being dragged into the water, while her father could only look helplessly



Other versions of the Giant Catfish Man Eater


Great Kali Gandaki River is a river located on the border between India and Nepal. Flow is derived from water sources in the Himalayas at an altitude of 3600 mdpl.

The beauty of this river is no doubt. Unfortunately some scary legends about man-eating monsters, haunted villages in this region. Make residents reluctant to bathe or play in the surrounding river.

The first incident that started the vicious terror of being residents of the river took place in April 1988. Nepal as a young man just walked into the river, directly drawn by the "something" and go away.

Three months ago, a boy who was bathing in the River Kali with her father, suddenly were attacked and dragged into the water. The father can only scream and could not do anything.

After that, events like this happen repeatedly until haunts the people who live around the Kali River. Even in recent years, reports about the disappearance of people bathing in the River Kali increases.

Residents upset and started arguing about the kind of creatures that live there. Some people believe there is a collection of crocodiles that live in the stream. However, after investigation, there were no crocodiles living communities in the area.

Finally, in 2007, a young 18-year-old Nepali who was swimming in the river were drawn by a mysterious monster and just disappear from the surface of the water. According to eyewitnesses who witnessed the incident, like the monster form of very large pig.

Goonch Fish, Catfish cannibals

People's curiosity finally answered when an expert from the British biologist named Jeremy Wade doing research on the Kali River and found a surprising answer.


Wade found that a man-eating monster that turned out to be a kind of giant catfish (Giant Cat Fish) which has undergone changes in the DNA because it is often eaten corpse into the river swept away after the first burned in a traditional funeral ritual community known as the Ritual Bagmati.

"This type of fish is a fish species endemic to this river. However, for tens of years of eating the flesh of dead bodies swept away by the river, these fish are genetically changed to be much larger than actual size.

They become addicted, and began to make human flesh into the main menu. So if there is no longer the funeral rites, this fish became violent and attacked the man, "Wade explained.

In his research, Jeremy Wade also managed to catch a catfish, a predator of human flesh with a 1.8-meter size and weight ranges from 73 pounds.

According to Wade if the size of fish when attacked humans in the water, then very little possibility of his victims to escape. Wade then called the giant catfish with a Goonch Fish.

Jeremy Wade's research trip to investigate when a man-eating catfish in the Kali River in Dakali been documented and will be published early on October 21 later in one of British television station (Channel 5) with the title "Water Monster Human Flesh Eaters".

Predators of the Huadu's Furong

Not only in the Mekong River just have a giant catfish species. Recently in Huadu's Furong Reservoir, China, happening uproar. So far, the year is always just happened a few cases of people drowned and disappeared mysteriously in the reservoir it.

But the mystery was finally fulfilled. The locals managed to catch a giant catfish the size of its body length reaches 3 meters and the width ranges from 1 meter head. Crazy again, when the fish's belly cut, they found "the remains" a man in the fish's body ..

However, because local governments fear this incident will affect the tourism area, they struggled to keep the incident was not published widely. But some tourists could come and capturing images of human predator catfish with their phones.

Some have considered this fish is a fish species or clarius Catfish Waking batrachus (walking catfish). But no one can explain how the size of catfish can be a centimeter so big.

Currently the local community as well as foreign tourists are not allowed to swim in the Huadu's Furong Reservoir. The crowd estimate there are still a type of fish that live in the reservoir was, ready to prey on people who swim in it.

Mekong giant

Mekong River which is one of the main rivers in the world many stores various kinds of giant fish. Mekong River is the longest river in the world's 12th, and 10th largest in volume (475km ³ release of water per year), he filled an area of 795,000 km ² of Tibet it flows through China's Yunnan province, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

All except China and Myanmar into the Mekong River Commission. Because of seasonal variations that are very different in the flow and the existence of "rapid" and waterfalls make navigation very difficult.

According to the researchers, this river is the home of various types of giant freshwater fish. The most famous is the Mekong Giant Cat Fish. Type of giant catfish is indeed living along the Mekong River which flows through several countries in Asia are.

In 2005, a Thai fishermen caught a giant catfish for grizzly bears in the Mekong River. The size of these fish ranged in weight 2.7 Meter reaches 646 pounds.

Indeed catching huge catfish in the Mekong River is not unusual. Have repeatedly local fishermen get huge catfish in the stream. But no one seems to match the size of catfish Thai fishermen caught it.

Not Predators

Unlike the case in Kali River Basin in Nepal and Huadu's Forung in China, there are no reports that the giant catfish in the Mekong River is a human predator.

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), a world body that moves in the field of conservation of natural resources has been storing and entering the data being a giant catfish from the Mekong River as a kind of rare animals and water to extinction.

Type of giant catfish, also has attracted the attention of the WWF (Worl Wildlife Fund) and the National Geografic Society. Both these organizations are jointly planning the protection of fish species.

It's frightening to imagine the existence of giants freshwater predators such human flesh. We are now certainly going to be wary when swimming in rivers and freshwater lakes.

But the question is how they can be cannibals and eat humans hooked. Are they annoying people, or even people who disturb their habitat ..?


Source: http://rismaka.net/2009/05/lele-raksasa-pemakan-manusia.html


Ice man mummy known as Otzi may have time to eat the moss before it died horribly. Based on recent analysis, in the stomach in 6 different types of moss.

Otzi's body was found accidentally in 1991 by a German tourist in the eastern Alps, under the ice. His body did not decompose and properly maintained in a frozen environment.

Research shows men are estimated to have died 5200 years ago at the age of 45 years. Before dying, he was wounded in the shoulder hit by an arrow and possibly killed by trauma. He may be a hunter during his lifetime.

Previously, his last meal before the meat is estimated to have died. However, in the stomach was found in moss. James Dickson from the University of Glasgow and colleagues said the findings are surprising because the moss plant species including bad especially nutritious.

Thus, the possibility of algae ingested accidentally when eating or drinking. It is possible that these moss carried food for one type of moss that swallowed likely used for wrapping food. For example type Neckera complanata.

Another possibility, drinking water Otzi moss mixed in his last days. Common moss carried in a drink is jenisHymenostylum recurvirostrum.

However, it also can be swallowed more of this type of moss Spaghnum imbricatumyang was part potions to cure wounds. Moss species are found only in the closest location 30 kilometers from the discovery of Otzi's body. That is, the ice man was carrying the moss is on its way.

"If he knows the benefits of these moss-and it sounds plausible, he may collect for treating wounds," said the researchers report in the journal Vegetation History and Archaeobotany latest edition.

A small portion may be attached to the moss in her hand and joined consumed when eating meat or bread. The reason is very probably due to other than the shoulder, also known Otzi wound in the palm of his right hand.

Source: http://teknologitinggi.wordpress.com/2008/12/03/otzi-manusia-es-berumur-5200-tahun-telah-mengetahui-manfaat-lumut-untuk-mengobati-luka/

green day history

Green Day was part of the California punk scene. Childhood friends Billie Joe Armstrong (guitar, vocals) and Mike Dirnt (bass; born Mike Pritchard) formed their first band, Sweet Children, in Rodeo, California when they were 14 years old. By 1989, the group had added drummer Al Sobrante and changed their name to Green Day. That year, the band independently released their first EP, 1,000 Hours, which was well-received in the punk scene. Soon, the group had signed a contract with the local independent label, Lookout! Records. 39/Smooth, Green Day's first album, was released later that year. Shortly after its release, the band replaced Kiftmeyer with Tre Cool (born Frank Edwin Wright, III); Tre Cool became the band's permanent drummer.

Throughout the early '90s, Green Day continued to cultivate a cult following, which only gained strength with the release of their second album, 1992's Kerplunk. The underground success of Kerplunk led to a wave of interest from major record labels; the band eventually decided to sign with Reprise. Dookie, Green Day's major label debut, was released in the spring of 1994. Thanks to MTV support for the initial single "Longview," Dookie became a major hit.

The album continued to gain momentum throughout the summer, with the second single "Basket Case" spending five weeks on the top of the American modern rock charts. At the end of the summer, the band stole the show at Woodstock '94, which helped the sales of Dookie increase. By the time the fourth single "When I Come Around" began its seven-week stay at number one in the modern rock charts in early 1995, Dookie had sold over five million copies in the US alone; it would eventually top eight million in America, selling over eleven million copies internationally. Dookie also won the 1994 Grammy for Best Alternative Music Performance.

Green Day quickly followed Dookie with Insomniac in the fall of 1995; during the summer, they hit number one again on the modern rock charts with "J.A.R.," their contribution to the Angus soundtrack. Insomniac performed well initially, entering the US charts at number two, and selling over two million copies by the spring of 1996, yet none of its singles -- including the radio favorite "Brain Stew/Jaded" -- were as popular as those from Dookie. In the spring of 1996, Green Day abruptly cancelled a European tour, claiming exhaustion. Following the cancellation, the band spent the rest of the year resting and writing new material. The end result is what is called by many, the best album of their career, Nimrod.

Nimrod was well recieved by most critics and fans. The album sold 80,000 copies in it's first week to land at #10 on the Billboard charts. The first single from Nimrod was "Hitchin' A Ride". The single made it to #5 on the modern rock charts and was in heavy rotation on MuchMusic and MTV. The next single the band released would not make it to number one (it's highest position was #2), but it is now probably the most well known songs Green Day ever wrote. Featuring Billie Joe on accoustic guitar and vocals, "Time Of Your Life" became the song to play in any remotely sad situation. The song was even used on the last ever episode of the hit TV show Seinfeld (it was also the most watched finale in the history of TV).

Along with Seinfeld, the song was also played on E.R on two different shows. Nimrod has sold about two million copies, the lowest sales total out of their three major label albums, but it probably garnered the band more respect than they could have expected with another Dookie or Insomniac. The band also vastly improved their live show and even one "Best Live Performance" at the Kerrang awards.

After nearly two years with barely any mention of the band, Green Day returned in late 1999 to play Neil Young's "Bridge School Benefit Concert", their first live accoustic performance. Green Day began recording their follow-up to "Nimrod" shortly after, which would eventually become "Warning:". Early in the recording process, the band decided to fire their new producer, Scott Litt, and produce the album themselves, marking the first time since "Kerplunk" that anyone but Rob Cavallo produced the bands recording. After they finished recording, Green Day decided to do something else they hadn't done before headline the 2000 Vans Warped Tour. Green Day played an amazing set and brought more fans to the tour than any other year in Warped's history (their Toronto performance alone attracted 7,000 more fans than they had any other year).

"Warning:" was released in the fall of 2000, and is by far Green Day's most ambitious album to date. If its first singles, "Minority" and the album's title track, are any indication, the album could prove to be extremely successful. Just four weeks after the release of "Minority", it sat atop Billboard's Modern Rock chart; no other Green Day song has hit the top that fast. Green Day are currently on tour supporting their latest album, boasting a monster setlist containing songs from all six albums.

Green Day has made an album with songs from warning, Nimrod, Insomniac and Dookie called international superhits. It also has two new songs. Green Day is not on tour currntly but they are writing new songs for a future album. Green Day has also made an album entitled Shenanigans in 2002.

Billie Joe Armstrong

Full Name : Billie Joe Armstrong
Plays : Vocals, Guitar
Born : February 17, 1972
Family : wife, Adrienne ( Nesser, married July 1994); son, Joseph Marciano (born March 1995); son, Jacob Danger (born September 1998)
Also Plays : Harmonica, Mandolin, Drums, Piano
Has Also Played With : Pinhead Gunpowder, Blatz, Rancid, the Lookouts, Goodbye Harry, Corrupted Morals

Billie Joe was the youngest of six kids in a working-class family in Rodeo, California. His father was a truck driver and part time jazz musician who died of cancer when Billie Joe was ten, his mother a waitress and diehard country music fan. As a child, Billie would sing at hospitals to cheer patients up. He also recorded a song called "Look For Love" for the locally based Fiat Records when he was five. The first album Billie Joe bought was Elvis Presley's The Sun Sessions. Soon after a couple friends got him hooked on punk bands like DOA, TSOL, and the Dead Kennedys. At age eleven, Billie got his first guitar, a blue Stratocaster that he plays to this day. He wrote his first song, "Why Do You Want Him", when he was 14. Billie Joe is the co-founder and partial owner of the independant label Adeline Records.

Billie Joe's favorite and most famous guitar is a Fernandes Stratocaster copy he called "Blue". It has two single-coil pick-ups and a Seymour Duncan "Jeff Beck" humbucker pick-up in the bridge position, but he only plays through the humbucker pickup. He has since had a copy of "Blue" made by Fender. It is exactly the same as the original one, but with different stickers on it. He also has a Fender Jazzmaster, a sonic blue Fender Jagstang, a Gibson Classic Series ES-135 and ES-335, an SG, a Rickenbacker, and a Guild sunburst acoustic. Billie Joe mainly uses a clone of his original 1959 Marshall 100W SLP modified amplifier, with 1960 4x12" Marshall Cabinets. He has also used Fender Bassman, Hiwatt, and Leslie amps. Billie mainly uses green, custom made Dunlop Tortex Standard .88mm picks, Ernie Ball .10 strings, and GHS Boomers.

Mike Dirnt

Full Name : Michael Pritchard
Plays : Bass, Backing Vocals
Born : May 4, 1972
Family : daughter, Estelle Desiree (born April 1997 to ex-wife, Anastasia)
Also Plays : Farfisa, Guitar, Drums, Baseball Bat
Has Also Played With : The Frustrators, Screeching Weasel, Crummy Musicians, Squirtgun

Mike was born of a heroin-addicted mother and was put up for adoption. His adoptive parents divorced when he was seven, at which point he began dividing his time between their separate households. He met Billie Joe in the fifth grade, and ended up working with his mother at Rod's Hickory Pit. At fifteen he rented a room on the side of Billie's house. Though he & his ex-wife, Anastasia divorced, they are still good friends, and he visits their daughter, Estelle, as often as possible.

Mike mainly plays a Gibson G-3 bass, but he has recently been using Fender '66 and '69 American Standard Precision basses. He has also used a Fender '62 Vintage Precision bass. Mike uses a Mesa/Boogie "Bassis M-2000" (MB2000) amplifier through custom made 6x10" and 1x18" Mesa/Boogie cabinets, custom made yellow Dunlop .73mm picks, and Ernie Ball strings.

Tre Cool

Full Name : Frank Edwin Wright III
Plays : Drums, Percussion
Born : December 9, 1972
Family : wife, Claudia (married May 2000); daughter, Ramona (born 1995 to ex-wife, Lisea)
Also Plays : Accordion, Guitar
Has Also Played With : The Lookouts, Samiam

Tré grew up in Willits, California, with his father and two siblings. His dad built many of the houses in that area, including that of Lawrance Livermore, their nearest neighbor and the founder of Lookout! Records. At age twelve, he joined Livermore's band, the Lookouts. Shortly after Al Sobrante left Green Day, Tré hopped aboard. Tré and his wife, Claudia, are expecting their first child.

Tré has his own signature Slingerland drumkit, the "Spitfire". It consists of a 18x22 Slingerland Bass drum, a 5 1/2x14 Slingerland Radio King Snare, a 6 1/2x14 Chrome snare, an 11x14 Slingerland mounted tom, and a 16x16 Slingerland floor tom. Though the Spitfire comes with Slingerland cymbals, Tré still uses a 19" Zildjian K Dark Thin Crash on the left, a 20" Zildjian A Medium Ride on the right, a 22" Zildjian K Heavy Ride on the bottom right, a 14" Zildjian K Medium Top, 14" K Medium Heavy Bottom Hi-Hats, and Zildjian Super 5B drumsticks. He also uses Remo Power Stroke 3 on his snare and bass drums, Remo Coated emperors on the tops of his toms, clear ambassadors on the bottoms, and Remo Falam Slam Pad on the bass drum.(google)

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