Fasting Ramadahan

Commands in the Qur'an

Fasting command of God contained in the Quran in surah Al-Baqarah verse 183.

"Yaa ayyuhaladziina aamanuu kutiba alaikumus siyaamu kamaa kutiba 'alalladziina min qablikum He allakum tataquun"

"O those who believe, have been obliged to fast for you as have been required to top the nations which were before you, you may become pious people."

Terms mandatory fasting

1. Islamite
2. Sensible
3. Baligh (old enough)
4. Ability to execute
5. People who were in a place (not being Safar)

Terms legitimate fasting

1. Islam (apostate not)
2. Mummayiz (can distinguish between the good and the bad)
3. Holy of menstruation and childbirth
4. Knowing the time of receipt of fasting


1. Intention
2. Leaving all that broke the fast from dawn until sunset

Wisdom of fasting

Worship God shaum Ramadan compulsory for every believers are praying that God intended for menghamba as it appears in QS. Al-Baqarah / 2: 183. Wisdom of worship shaum itself is to train people to be patient in life. The purpose of the patient are listed in al-Quran is 'persistent and resilient' as mentioned in the Qur'an. Ali 'Imran / 3: 146.

In Activity

Fasting is to resist. in a sense is the desire to resist the urge (or the body / self). but it is actually running the desire the desire of God is contained in the Quraan. so it is more optimal in conducting worship God wants.

more emphasis on fasting commands into joint activities of life. in which we are capable to hold our passions (even down to eat and drink, we are resistant) and then run the express will of God completely. thus achieve Taqwa

orders fell in the medina momentum. which conditioned the Islamic ummah had just emigrated from the mecca after being hit from all sides of life .. but this is where visible nature of patience (not weak, not lethargic, never retreat) from the spirit of the Islamic Ummah to rise verses spread throughout the region.

Fasting Ramadhan

Ramadan (spelling KBBI: Ramadan, in Arabic: رمضان) is the ninth month in the lunar Hegira (the Islamic religious calendar systems). Throughout this month, Muslims perform a series of religious activities which includes fasting, prayer tarawih, warning the decline of Al-Quran, seek Laylatul Qadr night, multiply the reading of the Qur'an and then ended it with the payment of Zakat-Fitr and Eid ul-Fitr celebration. Specialty month of Ramadan for Muslims is reflected in the Qur'an in surah Al Baqarah verse 185 which means:

"Month of Ramadan, the month in which the Qur'an descended as a guidance for mankind and the explanations about it and distinguishing clues. Therefore, whoever of you is present in that month, he must fast that month ..."


Ramadan comes from the root word ر م ض, which means intense heat or drought, particularly on the ground. Babylonian who was once a very dominant culture in the northern Arabian peninsula using a luni-solar calendar (counting years based on moon and sun as well). Nine months to fall in the summer is always a very stinging. From morning to evening the mountain rocks and sand deserts scorched by summer sun segatan noon time is longer than night time. On a hot night on the rocks and sand a little bit down, but before the cold really been met with in the morning. Similarly happens repeatedly, so that after several weeks the accumulation of heat scorch. Those days are called the month of Ramadan, the month with heat scorch.

After the Muslims developed based calendar months, which averaged 11 days shorter than the solar-based calendar, Ramadan is no longer always coincide with the summer. People better understand 'panas'nya Ramadan is metaphoric (figurative). Because in the days of Ramadan fasting person, his throat was hot because of thirst. Or, hopefully with the rites of Ramadan previous sins be destroyed in a fire and after the Ramadan fasting person is no longer sinful. Wallahu `natural.

From the root word is the word used to indicate the existence of Ramadan hot sensation when someone is thirsty. Another opinion says that the word used for the month of Ramadan was abolished by the sins of good deeds as the sun burns the ground. But the word Ramadan means can not be equated with ramadan. Ramadan in Arabic means a sick person going blind eye. Furthermore it dikiaskan with the use of moments of Ramadan by the adherents of Islam that serious to melt, rearrange and renew the physical strength, spiritual and behavior, as it represents something that the heat can melt the material.(source Wikipedia)

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