scary mummy in japan

Seeing these mummies were chilling goose bumps. These mummies are not shaped like a mummy that we've seen. Shape creepy, like being the devil in the most horrible form. These mummies are kept in several museums and Buddhist temples in Japan.

One of the most terrifying was the sinister form of a mummy-faced three. People call it "demon mummies" or pure evil so seramnya. This demon mummies are kept in the temple Zengyōji, where Buddhists sembayang. It is located in the city of Kanazawa, Japan.

It is said that the mummy was indeed deliberately evil stored in a true temple of the holy places in order not to wander outside and bother people.

Living legend in the community say, the devil's head mummy was discovered in the early 18th century temple in the warehouse. These findings make the priests also rippled society. Its existence is very mysterious. No one knows where the devil's head came from, and how can be there.

This demon mummy's head has two heads overlap each other in the face, one behind another (which resembles a Kappa). Manager temple displaying this demon head every spring every year.

Another demon mummy found in the temple Daijōin located in the city of Usa (Oita Prefecture). It is said that the mummy is a family heirloom, but continuing tragedy befall this family that allegedly because they kept this evil mummies. Finally mummy wrote this is a family heirloom, handed over to the temple Daijoin year 1925.

It is said also, before he reached the temple Daijoin, these mummies have been repeatedly changed ownership. But evil is always upon the owner and his family, that's why the last owner eventually handed it to the temple.

Apparently the mummy's curse has accompanied it. Anyone who has it / save it to the disaster. Now the mummy is "heavily guarded" in the temple and shown in public only at certain times.

Besides two demon mummy, mummy was still a lot of intangible demons that have been discovered. Some are stored in museums, some were kept in the temples.Mumi wajah iblis found in the warehouse Zengyoji temple, Japan.

Mumi iblis penuh kutukan

Dikatakan demikian karena mumi yg sebelumnya adalah benda pusaka keluarga ini ternyata mendatangkan bencana pada siapa saja yang menyimpannya. Kini mumi berada di kuil Daijōin, kota Usa (Oita prefecture)

Mumi bayi iblis di Rakanji temple

Kappa mummy at Zuiryūji Temple, Osaka

Mumi kappa di matsuura brewery

Mysterious mermaid mummy

Kappa mummy at the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden (Netherlands)

Mermaid mummy at the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden

Raijū mummy at Yūzanji temple

Raijū mummy at Saishōji temple.

Raijuu adalah dewa petir yang berbentuk seperti musang, makanya gambarya kayak anjing kering

Tengu mummy at Hachinohe Museum

Actually according mite belief, jinn and the like that could ga die, they turn into a mummy. Soalnya ga tau way back to its natural. These mummies had been made a kind of "Pesugihan" so essentially in any state there were about Pesugihan keprcayaan yes. Because it is the former "maintained" as certain families.

Kok story many Japanese people who "shadowed" a god or some supernatural being, and usually still in the beginning they are so rich and important positions until the end of several generations later.

After so many generations have sometimes demon jinn or requesting compensation, usually in return ya misery was a family or a curse. So there is finally given to the temple to be purified.

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