
the sinopsis;
This story begins with Keenan, a new adolescent males who graduated high school, a six-year stay in Amsterdam with her grandmother. Keenan has a talent to paint a very strong, and he does not have a goal other than to become a painter, but the covenant with his father forced him to leave Amsterdam and return to Indonesia to study. Keenan received a lecture in Bandung, in the Faculty of Economics.

On the other hand, there Kugy, women tend to be unique eksentrik, which will also be a lecture at the university the same with Keenan. Since small, Kugy loco-gilai tale. Not only have the collections and reading garden, he is also happy to write the tale. Cita-citanya only one: to become an interpreter tale. However Kugy aware that the author is not a tale of professional and easy to convince received environment. Do not want to be separated from the writing, Kugy then forward the study at the Faculty of Literature.

Kugy and Keenan dipertemukan through pair Eko and Noni. Eko is a cousin Keenan, while Noni is a small friendly Kugy since. Except Noni, the Hijrah from Jakarta, and a lecture at the university in the same four Bandung.Mereka are finally carib.

Slowly, Kugy and Keenan, who already adore each other, the transformation began. Secretly, without the opportunity to reveal once they fall in love. However, conditions at that time not completely possible. Kugy already have a sweetheart, classy guy named Joshua, alias Ojos (call with a haphazardly created by Kugy). While Keenan was dicomblangkan by Noni Eko and with a young curator named Wanda.

Friendship gang that began four merenggang. Kugy then drown himself in a new occupation, that is, become a volunteer teacher at the school called an emergency Sakola Alit. There he met with Pilik, his most impish. Pilik and colleagues successfully taklukkan it with a tale about how to write their own stories of adventure, the title diberinya: General Pilik and Alit forces. Kugy write stories about the students that almost every day in a book to write, that he gave at the Keenan.

Wanda Keenan proximity with the first mulus also start to change. Keenan disadarkan in a way that surprising that during this dream that he should wake up in the ground overnight. With careful destroyed, leaving Keenan lives in Bandung, and also his family in Jakarta. He then went to Ubud, live in the house of his mother, Pak Wayan.

The period of time with the family-Pak Wayan, all of which are famous artists in Bali, starting treat liver injury Keenan slowly. The most influential figures in it is Luhde Laksmi, nephew Pak Wayan. Keenan can start painting again. Berbekalkan stories General Pilik Alit forces and given the Kugy, Keenan create serial paintings that became popular on the trail and the collector.

Kugy, which is also very lost companions lonely and began in Bandung, re-arrange his life. He graduated from college as soon as possible and work in a bureau in Jakarta as an ad copywriter. There, he met with Remigius, one at a time of His brother. Kugy meniti career with the unexpected guess. A wonderful imagination and make it completely spontaneous melejit to be people who are in the office.

However, Remi see something else. He likes Kugy not only because the idea-the idea, but also the spirit and unique quality that always radiated from Kugy. Remi and finally must acknowledge that he began to fall in love. Instead, Remi sincerity also eventually melt hearts Kugy.

Unfortunately, Keenan can not forever live in Bali. Because of his father's health condition worsened, Keenan forced to return to Jakarta, because of his family to run the company does not have other options.

The meeting between Keenan and Kugy not terelakkan. Even the four met again this gang. Overall the situation is already different. And again, their hearts tested. Acts of love and friendship during the five years ended with no surprises for all. Finally, every heart can only pasrah back in the flow of love that knows where to flow. As the paper boat in the moat dihanyutkan, the dam, in time, in the river, but always empty at the same place. Although sometimes bitter, sick, and disturb, but always know the heart indeed.

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