Hahaha! Not what - what was, his name is also the band itself ... home made band 'said Cholil when I heard the story - hear their own CDs at the office ngepak Aksara.Gue chatting with Cholil shortly after they finish their show a small but very intimate. Adrian afternoon and Akbar sempet interview on my radio, telling stories about the album Dark Room. This album I can be free from Yurskie, their manager, uh ... dapet? Malak kaleee hehehe!

More proving what else to do if the Greenhouse Effect music that made the band a very humble, low profile and down to earth this makes the music journalist and an invitation salute night gig at the junior prom with extraordinary welcome that fact that even makes them shock yourself hahaha!

Dark Room is a twelve-track greatest ever dengarkan.You I know, sometimes there are bands that have two or three good songs just in one album, but it certainly does not apply to the album Dark Room. So let's dig it!

1. Your body blue ... Tragic

This song choice as first track is a decision that pintar.Mereka not eager to give clay musical diversity on this album, this track just sort of bridging with the first album. Vocal Cholil actually invites us to feel nothingness, emptiness. Whatever is done people who are high is artificial, full of delusions and hallucinations, stiff and dead ends. Travel six minutes forty-nine seconds a tiring but very beautiful.

2. You and I Go In My Room

It's a love song in a different point of view. They've been reminded that the Ordinary Only Fall In Love It, and it immediately strikes the second track as if to remind again do not be too obsessed and lulled until - until you feel your boyfriend is an angel. Yeah right ... more like Adolf Hitler or at least being possessed by his spirit. Sometimes love is very thin and stupid matter, all of our lives in the same person take over, ready - ready to be brought into a vacuum, in doctrine and in the brainwashed to not recognize myself anymore. The beginning of the music he called ERK beginning of this track.

3. Vote of no-confidence

Whoa! I feel this track would be located above the wind compared to all the parties who will be marching song sung at many campaign shortly. Indignation would penchant group of people with nonsense and super stupid argument with a touch of punk in aransemennya.Anthem citizens of a country that is forced to choose on behalf of the forbidden. Well you know what, dumbass? We're not going to fooled if only to legitimize the power of you, and no ... We Do not believe That we're gonna go to hell fukkin fukkin Just Because We Do not vote for you. Because we're there we're facist and racist or just plain stupid, That makes more sense now!

4. Loneliness Song

Aroma dark first album again felt in this lonely song. The message conveyed in the lyrics are simple, and I really like arrangements represent a very lonely feeling. When the crowd there is a sense of loneliness and hope there will be calm when alone, was not also a sense it is found. In essence, Pls you're lonely, you're fucked up.

5. Rain Do not Angry

Amazing track! They remain concerned with environmental issues in an extraordinary way. Track contains two-way communication between ERK and the rain that seems to already angry with our behavior. This is absolutely an everlasting flood song for us! I shudder to hear Cholil shout 'Rain, rain ... do not be angry 'with sound background Adrian. I think this type of prayer that will make God's pity and finally grant our prayers. Try a scream that I - cried .... Flash floods straight times ya bo! Hehe!

6. Juvenile Delinquency in the Era of Information Technology

Songs with tunes that capture the ears aka ear catching. Pas was chosen as the first single because ERK music enthusiasts will immediately recognize the progress in material album Dark Room. Highlighting the child's behavior - stupid kids who will hype the technology with low-quality VGA camera crying - it becomes. (Oh Seriously, I hate this fukkkkiiin VGA Things! Bad once!) But jatohnya even tacky. But I just want to say to ERK is not just teenagers who stutter in the era of informatics. How about Some of those dumbfucks? The so-called people's representatives are also very small idiots showing their genitals in front of the camera? Lust would not care whether you're a teenager or officials who seem to obey the religion.

7. Becoming Indonesian

The title track is taken from a book by Parakitri T Simbolon who also titled the same. Real yes, twice heard this song and not feel moved lo listen to the song, try soon check into a psychiatrist who suffers AMWBBHS tau lo aka A Moron With a Black Black Heart Syndrome. This song feels weird when I arrived at the center, vocals and drum beats Cholil Akbar was not uniform, but I remember how smart band with metaphors in the lyrics of the song, so I assume this is a metaphor itself in a lo musik.Apa feel as the people of Indonesia not be the same as the one on the head of hundreds of millions of other people. Shame, awe, embrace, left .... track genius but not pretentious.

8. Darkroom

Once used as the title of his second album Greenhouse Effect. Track this kind of process the trip of a meditation in silence (taelaah gueee languages !!!). Darkened room not talking about the same kind of lonely there in the track song Lonely, but more on the search for enlightenment. Alone in a dark room, confirmed the position of people who start do not sehat.Direkomendasikan for spas, yoga classes, and people - people who sent her boss's office to follow the Quantum Training program.

9. Do not Burn Books

School curriculum book burning event that he deviated from history (memangnya things are not off the mark in the country?) ERK inspired to make the song Do not Burn Books. What right people - this guy stuffed his way into a child's brain science - the school children? Why is there a book in Bredel? Why there are magazines that were banned because a group of barbarians told you not? Would not the more readable writing will make us smarter? And if we're smart we'll know where the straight, which is off the mark? Or, they do want us not be too smart and not too many questions?

10. Much Smoke There

Once again the social issues raised ERK, was not only the forests were cut down and burned that makes shortness of breath. Behaviors enrich seven generations, the craze urbanization, poverty, marginal, told with stomping beats. Millions of times more valuable than the jargon - jargon tacky that many scattered alongside a road end - the end of this.

11. Male - Male Shy

I immediately felt a very familiar sound in this song. When I check the cover, it turns out well ... This song involves Ade Paloh as backing vocals and Ramondo Gascaro on the keyboard. They both were personnel from the band's classic evening and bring the atmosphere in this song. So cool!

12. Ballerina

Cover songs that are very fresh. The commercial had enough chance to be a single second. Giving listeners a positive energy in daily life - day by taking the metaphor of a dancing ballerina who created an expressive, elegant and last santun.Lagu that makes me very satisfied with all the material, songs, lyrics, progress in a musical, presented by the quality of the Greenhouse Effect cool audio.

Thanks to Yurskie for the CD! I respectfully to the Greenhouse Effect, and managemennya. I wish I could write the experience of listening to this album with words - beautiful words, but how dong ... hehehe!. Highleeeeeyyyyyyyyy Recommended!

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