Dream of the garuda

"Life is sometimes like the game of soccer. There are players who enter, there is the exit. Sometimes he was on our side, sometimes on the opposite side. Can come close to the time, so come out."

Novel Dream of the Garuda narrate the struggle of a child who yearn to be very professional pesepak ball. Reliability inherent since playing small ball. He got a strong inheritance from his father who had a national soccer player. However, do not always reach the dream run mulus. Obstacles would come from people who respected and loved. Her grandfather.

Garuda is the dream of the first book of the trilogy Garuda breast. A film script, which then made the book glow, the dreams of the Garuda, Garuda in the chest, and Garuda Challenge Sun. This novel is an impression before any posts prekuel Garuda in the chest film in cinema. "Of course, this novel will not be written if there are no strong characters of the works of writers you a scenario, Salman Aristo," said Benny Ramdhani already spawn nine novels children.

Launch of children's novel Dream of the Garuda, as well as pre-launching film was held Friday (20 / 3) in Jakarta. The event was attended not only the author novelnya, Benny Ramdhani, but also the supporting film Garuda in the chest, namely Salman Artisto (screenwriter), Ifa Ifansyah (director). Meanwhile, the players, among others Ikranagara, Maudy Koesnaedy, and stars cilik Emir Salim. Movies these children will appear in cinemas in June when the upcoming holiday.

Main figure in this novel called Bayu. Grade five elementary school student pilot. Severeness Bayu play football do not have both of them. When the lead ball is difficult to penetrate the defense memuluskan hurdle opponents. No wonder children merely puppets Pak Ali got this nickname Garuda in the field. Bayu mencengkeram as if the ball is being flat-bird garuda.

For there is no day without football. In each school shall have time to spare certainly play football. Although the main goal of simply golan-one fighting. Erwin berlaganya opponent is also a friend sebangkunya.

This novel begins a morning absorbed Bayu play football in the school. Show car brand into the page. From the vehicle down the son of the Bayu. Son of the bespectacled, clean the skin type of the rich. Bayu Keisengan and Erwin appear. Erwin direct the ball to the new child. "Eh, tendangin dong bolanya to here," Bayu screaming that you want to know the reaction to the new child.

However, the child is still only. "Gammy legs times." Erwin cried again. But, the new child is called Heri not want to respond.

Second class of five students terperangah driver issue when I saw something from the back of the van. Ternyata wheelchair, and the child seated in the wheelchair. Erwin also panic. "Wah, sin, deh, before," bisiknya. Harimaumu mouth is.

Conflict Bayu wave aspiration appears when Her grandfather decided Hijrah from Malang to Jakarta. He would live to spend time with the retirement of children, daughter, and grandchildren. Not a problem for the Bayu grandfather lived the same house. Toh house Bayu ditinggali Her grandfather actually owned.

However, there is one thing that makes Bayu peeved. Usman grandfather with any anti related to football. Kebenciannya not without cause. Grandfather disappointed with the child only wayangnya - Bayu father - who choose to become football players. In fact, he expects his son to work in oil companies. vie(source republika)

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