poem for friend

Bait sedih untuk sahabat
Kepergianmu Membuatku Berduka..
kepergianmu Berlinangkan Air Mata.....
Teringat Masa-Masa indah bersamamu...kau selalu mengajariku kearifan..dan kesederhanaan hidup.....
Semangat hidupmu sungguh besar..guratan tekad semangatmu..terlukis jelas di wajahmu yang semakin menua.....
Pergilah sobat..pergilah dengan tenang..jalanmu kini tlah lapang dan sakitmu kini tak lagi panjang...
Doaku kan selalu menyertaimu sobat...............tribute to (my grandfather Alm Darsum Adiwiyatno)

Netral will release a brand-new album entitled The Story of in the near future. Album contains 13 songs have various themes, including social issues, friendship and nationalism.

According to the frontman of the band's 16 year old, good, album-10 Neutral tembang is far from a mushy love. His first single is the song Garuda in my chest which is also the soundtrack of the film.

"August was able to get out. Garuda her first song at my chest," Good said, as quoted vivanews.com Sunday, June 14, 2009. "If there's a song of love that would not love mushy. More love to nationalism," added Good.

According to Good, Neutral on this album, which will be the main theme is carried on a life experienced such everyday social and friendship. They also recycle the Merdeka Day song that usually was widely heard as the celebration of independence day August 17.

In a show on television some time ago, also revealed the reasons Neutral withdrawal album release time, the original plan in May to around August 2009. The desire to produce quality work that is the cause. They had several times changed the concept of album covers and a couple of times also do mixing and again, everything is done to achieve maximum results.

Now preparations album was nearly finished Neutral and ready to be released to the market. To promote this album, in the next two months will be around to Neutral Bandung, Surabaya and Bali. (vivanews / bug / pic: facebook)

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