Aukai Collins, born on February 13, 1974 is also known as "Aqil Collins" is an American of Irish descent who converted to Islam and fought with Islamic Chechen irregulars of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. He was wounded in combat with elements of a Russian SPETZNAZ unit from which he subsequently lost his leg. He then, among other things, went on to work as a deep cover intelligence operative for the FBI .

His exploits, which included contacts with Al Qaeda leading operatives, are described in the autobiographical book My Jihad: One American's Journey Through the World of Usama Bin Laden—as a Covert Operative for the American Government (ISBN 0-7434-7059-1). Although he is sometimes referred to as Hawaiian American, he is Caucasian and was born in the United States, having moved to Hawaii for a period in his youth.

In this book he distinguishes between the Chechen armed resistance against the Russian army, which he regards as justified according to Islam, and terrorism in Al Qaeda style, which he regards as contrary to Islam. He also [8] claims that he warned the bureau (FBI) long before 9/11 that Hani Hanjour, one of the September 11th hijackers, was using a Phoenix flight school as his training ground for terrorism.

He also appears in Canadian-born adventurer Robert Young Pelton's book, The Hunter, The Hammer, and Heaven: Journeys to Three Worlds Gone Mad and director Lech Kowalski's short film documentary Camera Gun

After authoring My Jihad, Collins became a bounty hunter which ultimately led to his arrest in Mexico on weapons charges. He was released in May 2006 after serving a 4 year prison sentence in Durango, Mexico.(source Wikipedia)


Here is a brief history of the band Armada: Armada is the new name in music blantika Indonesia. However, personnel have long circulated in Indonesia blantika music. Fleet Foxes before using the name Paper Band. Paper Band is one band that shines from the city of Palembang. Her song entitled "Love is not considered" became hits, almost all corners of Indonesia in the tempo of the rather long. However, what happened? The band never feel the results. A music label to give mere promises to the Paper Band, and the songs are good too wasted with useless without any results. Paper Party Band personnel have often tried to negotiate with the labels. They (Paper Band) would like to request an explanation, where his money. Plan promotional tour they are not clear. Initially, the use of song Paper Band (at the time), without permission from the creator makes the labels entered into negotiations with Paper Band. And the result, the label asked for compensation of three hundred million dollars. Feeling aggrieved, Paper Band did not respond to these results. Party labels the craze and brought the case into the realm of law. Next Paper Band are required to pay 1.3 billion dollars. This makes personnel Paper Band fear because this band does not come from families who are in, but the little guy who always suppressed. At the time this case continue to roll, Paper Band thinks "If you must wait for the results of a new case to make a new album, then they can not live." Having considered carefully, they finally decided to seek a new label and changed their band name to Fleet Foxes. With little to change the formation because one of its personnel Argha (Guitaris 1 Paper) resigned because of severe depression and not strong weight-bearing of this complex problem. And his position now filled by his cousin Mai (former guitarist larocca band). Finally Fleet Band was formed in Jakarta in mid-October 2007. Bands that were previously based in Palembang has launched her first album in 2008, entitled "Revenge" with a flagship single "Failed Love" and the song-song that was quite hits, including: roaming (Revenge), No Gods, What What You Find, You Think I Am What etc. Hits are enough to get a special place in the hearts of the fans of Indonesian music. Proven Hits "Revenge" managed to occupy prestigious positions in many radio across Indonesia in a long time period. Bands are very strong character and flow of different music makes Fleet Foxes increasingly enjoy doing by all lovers of music of Indonesia. Among the short history of the Fleet Foxes.(source

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bertepuk sebelah tangan

aku tak mengira jika cintaku padanya bertepuk sebelah tangan, hingga aku pun harus menyadari bahwa dirinya yang dia cintai lebih dari diriku....

apalah aku ini, hanya manusia biasa yang tak memiliki kesempurnaan, apalah aku ini, hanya berusaha untuk mendapatkan cintamu, karena memang aku sangat mencintaimu,

karena itu aku beranikan diri untuk bilang kalau aku cinta padamu, dan itu adalah kejujuranku...namun cintaku harus kandas dan tragis, karena kau lebih memilih dia yang aku kira memang lebih baik dari diriku, kau memang tak salah memilih, seharusnya pula kau memilih dia untuk dirimu

aku adalah aku, yang sebegini, tak lebih hanya pecundang, berani mengutarakan maksud hati yang tak semestinya, karena tentunya, kau menginginkan dan memilih yang terbaik.

aku menyadari sepenuhnya, cintaku hanya bagian kisah kecil dari hidupmu, yang tak berarti bila kau bandingkan dengan dirinya,. aku tetaplah aku, dengan sekecil cintaku,..

kau memang tampak bahagia dengan dirinya, tersenyum di sebagian kesedihanku, tertawa, di sisi tangisku, aku tak berdaya, akan cinta besar kalian berdua, karena itu, cintaku tak menyala di hatimu...

jagankan kau pandang, untuk sekedar kau lirik pun tak lah...

aku menyadari itu, karena itu izinkan aku pergi darimu, membawa luka parah hatiku, terjerembab, ketidak berdayaanku, karena aku mengharap cintamu,

kusadari, kepergianku tak berarti, namun doaku, sangatlah kau harapkan,.. selamat berbahagia, gadis, karena kau bagian dari cerita hidupku..(basit)

Seven Dream A new interpretation of modern pop music. Lately not many bands that dare to go against the flow. At the same time revive the passion in the world of Indonesian music. Most only willing to play it safe and follow the existing flow. Then with the mindset of the music that kept popping up and see the style of music in return liked teenage years ago today, there are responded to recycle her old songs. But the six young people who move to Jakarta was to respond in a different way. Aruna (drums), Vega (keyboards), Amal (guitar), Hedex (guitar), Vebian (bass) and U'dho (vocals) formed a band called Seven Dream with the familiar basic music, alternative pop. Would have some say, was already there in the past. But the touch that they provide in their songs, would alter our view one hundred eighty degrees. On their first album titled Dream 7, we heard a row of songs that can give us a new interpretation of alternative pop music. The first champion from the album titled the same as their seventh album Dreams. A song that away, with a style that is not as mellow love songs that many in circulation. As a result, this song will make us to continue to play back. Repeat and repeat all the beauty in this song. A song called What U Say, have a great attraction since the first breath the vocalist. Not just because the first verse that speak english. But because it's unique notation and baseball ever heard in Indonesian pop songs ever. A strong capital to remember those who've heard this song. Keep On Trying song we could hear the voice synthesizer. An instrument that is used widely in the era of pop 80's and later used a lot of bands who claim rock bands of today. But do not exploit the Seven Dream synthesizer like most of the band. The dose is correct, so do not make the song even so annoying. In this song Seven Dream play with tone melodic tone. Tempo moderate and nuanced romantic male. This song is more interesting with Dewiq involvement in its creation. As we know, Dewiq used to make a song for a champion. Plus, Pay also serves as music director in this song. Of the 8 songs collected on this album describe how they harmonize music from various eras. Starting from the drumbeat of nuanced 80-Dead song can be listened to on Pain, Stop I & Convince me that so crunchy guitar pop alternative picture of the era, to the synthesizer that many emerging and disturbing at the bands that claim to contemporary rock. Harmonization is a near-perfect make us hear the nuance of novelty in their songs. In the song called "" LOVE VS LOVE "is not much different from the first single" SEVEN DREAMS "which is also supported by strong poems. Beat and intervals of this song a little to bring us into the alternative pop era, "90 an" on Seven appeals are more likely to dream in the era of 80's. When we refer to a song titled "Tired" Beat Rythem Section, supported a strong and still fit the portion already looked at the beginning of the intro to the ending song that makes the rhythm and the rhythmic melodies of this song is rich shades of ... .. Looks like it's six young children to bring their dreams to reality. And maybe can also make us to share our dream. To be sure, never stop pursuing dreams. Seven Dream Together, let's make our life beautiful world of dreams.source (

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