Run menu in the Start menu used to accelerate access to the program or executable files that are usually not recorded in the Start>> All Programs. However, due to certain reasons, such as security reasons, we can Hide Menu Run On Start Menu so that other people use the computer we can not access them. Follow tipsnya with Computer Tips and Tricks.

Steps Hide Menu Run On Start Menu is as follows.

1. Click Start>> Run>> then type regedit and press OK or ENTER to the Registry Editor window appears.

2. Then click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER>> Software>> Microsoft>> Windows>> Current Version>> Policies>> Explorer

3. Then right-click on the Explorer>> New Dword>> such as the screenshot below.

4. Rename New Value becoming NoRun

5. NoRun double-click on the Edit window that appears Dword Value, such as the screenshot below.

6. Change the Value data to 1.

7. Done

Now, please logoff or restart your PC and make sure the Run menu is not displayed again.


* If you want to restore to its original (raise again) nilanyaa a zero change or delete NoRun.
* To access the Registry Editor (after the menu Run hidden) can be done through the Command Prompt (Dos Command) by clicking Start>> Acessoriess>> Command Prompt.

If interested, please try.

musik and social

EdgeStraight Straight Edge? At the Straight edge (sXe) can be attributed to the philosophy that developed and emerged from the hardcore community, who own filosofinya taken from a song that diciptain same band Minor Threat. Basicly, philosophy contains about how to make our lives better, about self-control. Becoming sXe's appetite means that we retain the name of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and freesex.

Songs Out of Step (With The World) written with Ian MacKaye (bands Minor Threat vocalist) made to invite us flinch from that nihilistic tendencies of punk rock, with a message that provides a simpler, namely "do not drink, don 'T Smoke, do not fuck at least I can fuck thing. " After twelve years since bubarnya band Minor Threat, a philosophy that simple is changed into a kind of the way of life for young people in the world. Plus more mengecewakannya social circumstances that increasingly shoddy from day to day. Ngebuat more youth-up guy and girl teenagers who use the teachings of this kind as a Blueprint for progress itself, which then diterapin in the environment in which they live. In the beginning I was the definition sXe I avoid what in the above and added a modern interpretation, one example being a vegetarian. Intra As I know, sXe is a philosophy that grows and grows from the scene and hardcore punkrock. Therefore, the flow of the music has an important influence in the business development sXe. Can be the beginning of the year, the city 80an Washington DC, bands such as The Teen Idles and Minor Threat become a pioneer the emergence of hundreds and even thousands of bands straight edge that have been progressively later. So in the mid 80an bands like Minor Threat, SSD, and Uniform Choice reached peak success, especially in a metropolitan city like New York city. Ginilah atmosphere of the house, which finally delivered kinds of bands Gorilla Biscuits, Bold, Wide Awake and also including the band to be the most at that time, the Youth of Today. The X sign At the end of the year in the United States 80an precisely, in every sorry punk / hardcore held, so I custom make them the straight edgers nunjukin a sign of "X" in hand. I mean they sign this baseball tunjukin though they can buy alcohol is sold there. In perkembanganya, as a philosophy, something that sXe become popular at that time. Moreover, with issues under the positive, made a sXe ideology. One, for example, their actual age limit for ngelewati I can buy alcohol (was here 17 years, in amrik was 21 years old, "but in the UK was 18 years old) but baseball like" drinking "for ideological reason, starting with a hand mark X. Now the X mark this developed into a nametag / en straight edge for Kids. Symbol of this drug free and proud to be disclosed by the children in the straight edge clothes and various other attributes. Benefits of this sign if they want to recognize one another. With signs that the X dipakainya we can know that he is a sXe.Music Written by Bert & Various Sources


Web Usability

Have you enter a website and have difficulties when seeking information that is in? When you open an interesting article, you also have to register first with a very long process.


Issues such as often found in the children advance of the virtual world. In addition to sign a long process, often tested patience website visitors enjoy the content-the content in it. Access to the website is very slow, so you often fail to registration (login). If this occurs continuously, long time you will leave and forget the article from the website.

Web Usability Is it?
In general, usability means that users can learn how to use a product and to achieve the goals that he expected and how well the experience gained by the user when the product is used. In connection with the Web Usability, of course, the products discussed here is the website.

Each year, more and more websites that users lose patience. They seem to leave the willingness to learn technique or form of interaction on the new website and no longer tolerant with the download or the slow loading. If a site does not provide an interesting case, of course, the user will be leaving it.

In addition, users are not patient, indirectly, also increase the difficulty factor in the development of the website, the new website. Apparently, aspects of usability (ease) began undermined by the author. A website can be ineffective if the users can not utilize the facilities it provides in a jiffy.

Should be, what was found or seen the visitors on a website is the result of an integrated system that can simultaneously roads (concurrent engineering). Unfortunately, however, successfully or not an integrated system was also determined by the user through what is seen and didengarnya, such as images, symbols, songs, or sound manipulation of the results of the software on the computer.

Aspects that must maintain a function in HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), among others:

* Aspect function (usefulness) are factors that are associated closely with the programming and Logic.
* Ease of Aspect (usability) are factors that are associated closely with the user interface.
* Aspect of Culture (culture) are the factors that are closely related to anthropology.


Point of VIEW GeForce 9600 GSO 384 DDR3 - Monster Small forceful

Although present to the CHIP Test Center with a simple packaging, graphics card does not mean that this can ignore it. This is evidenced by the availability of one DVI output, one HDTV output, and the graphics card to make this interesting, is the HDMI output.

In addition to this, this graphics card to try to provide the best with the documentation that is easily understandable by the user. One added value that make this graphics card to become eligible dilirik.

HDMI? Output HDMI and DVI ready available.
At the time of testing, no problems that can hamper the graphics card is performing in the show. However, one thing is the little voice of the fan noise. With the rotation of the rotary fan high (noise can still be used only). See the results testing is given, this graphics card shows the ability that can be relied on to play the game properly.

Back? No additional components that interesting.

Graphics card shows the number 40 degrees centigrade at idle and 50 degrees centigrade at full load during the testing process takes place. For a graphics card using NVIDIA chipsets, the number is a number that is normal can be tolerated. To get a lower temperature and fan with a voice that is more subtle, you can change the default with the HSF better.

Conclusion: Point of View to try to provide something different with memyediakan HDMI output. A step which is quite wise, given a rare graphics cards provides HDMI output. It can be said that this graphics card to provide all the solutions for you.

Source: CHIP 07/2008
Author: Sony Hanifudin


Calculations Subneting
After you read the article and understand the concept Subnetting concept Subnetting well. This time you learn techniques subnetting calculation. Subnetting calculation can be done in two ways, ways that binary relatively slow and how quickly the more special. At the bottom of all the questions about subnetting will be in the range of four problems: The number of subnet of the Host per subnet, subnet Block, and address-Host Broadcast.
Writing the IP address is with. However, sometimes written with, what this means? This means that the IP address of subnet mask Did can be such? Yes, / 24 taken from the calculation of the 24 bits that subnet mask diselubung with binary 1. Or in other words, subnet masknya is: 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000 ( This concept is called CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), which was first introduced in 1992 by IEFT.
The next question is how subnet mask that can be used to make subnetting? This is missed by the table below:
Subnet mask value CIDR / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
Subnet mask value CIDR / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
255,255,255,128 / 25
255,255,255,192 / 26
255,255,255,224 / 27
255,255,255,240 / 28
255,255,255,248 / 29
255,255,255,252 / 30

Ok, now let alone direct training. Subnetting such as what happened with a NETWORK ADDRESS?
Analysis: means that the class C with a subnet mask / 26 means 11111111.11111111.11111111.11000000 (255,255,255,192).
Calculations: As I have mentioned before all the questions about subnetting will be headquartered in 4 cases, the number of subnet, the number of hosts per subnet, subnet blocks, host and broadcast address valid. So we finish with a sequence like that:
1. The number of subnet = 2x, where x is the number of binary 1 at oktet last subnet mask (2 oktet for the last class B, and 3 oktet for the last class A). So number of subnet is 22 = 4 subnet
2. Number of Hosts per subnet = 2y - 2, where y is the inverse of x the number of binary 0 on oktet last subnet. So the number of hosts per subnet is 26 - 2 = 62 host
3. Block subnet = 256 - 192 (value oktet last subnet mask) = 64. Subnet is 64 64 = 128, and 128 64 = 192. So the total subnetnya is 0, 64, 128, 192.
4. How to address a host and broadcast a valid? We immediately made the table. As a note, host of the first digit is 1 after the subnet, and broadcast a number is 1 before the next subnet.
First host
Last host
We have completed the IP address for subnetting Class C. And we can continue for another subnet mask, with the concepts and techniques are the same. Subnet mask that can be used for subnetting class C is:
Subnet mask value CIDR
255,255,255,128 / 25
255,255,255,192 / 26
255,255,255,224 / 27
255,255,255,240 / 28
255,255,255,248 / 29
255,255,255,252 / 30

Next we will try to do subnetting IP address class B. First, the subnet mask that can be used for subnetting class B are:
Subnet mask value CIDR / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
Subnet mask value CIDR / 24
255,255,255,128 / 25
255,255,255,192 / 26
255,255,255,224 / 27
255,255,255,240 / 28
255,255,255,248 / 29
255,255,255,252 / 30

Ok, one question we try to Class B with a network address
Analysis: means the class B, with a subnet mask / 18 means 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 (
1. The number of subnet = 2x, where x is the number of binary 1 at 2 oktet last. So number of subnet is 22 = 4 subnet
2. Number of Hosts per subnet = 2y - 2, where y is the inverse of x the number of binary 0 on the last 2 oktet. So the number of hosts per subnet is 214 - 2 = 16,382 hosts
3. Block subnet = 256 - 192 = 64. Subnet is 64 64 = 128, and 128 64 = 192. So the total subnetnya is 0, 64, 128, 192.
4. Host and broadcast address valid?
Host First
Last host
Broadcast 172.16 .. 255,255
Still confused? Ok we try one more for Class B. What with the network address
Analysis: means the class B, with a subnet mask / 25 means 11111111.11111111.11111111.10000000 (255,255,255,128).
1. The number of subnet = 29 = 512 subnet
2. Number of Hosts per subnet = 27 - 2 = 126 hosts
3. Block subnet = 256 - 128 = 128.
4. Host and broadcast address valid?
Subnet ...
Host First ...
Last host ...
Broadcast ...
Still confused as well? Ok prior to the Class A, try to repeat again from the Class C, and read slowly

If you have mantab and understand, we go to Class A. The concept all the same. The difference is in where we play OKTET subnet blocks. If the Class C oktet to 4 (last), class B in Oktet 3 and 4 (2 oktet last), a Class A oktet 2, 3 and 4 (3 oktet last). Then the subnet mask that can be used for subnetting is all class A subnet mask of a CIDR / 8 / 30.
We try to exercise network address.
Analysis: means the class A, with a subnet mask / 16 means 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 (
1. The number of subnet = 28 = 256 subnet
2. Number of Hosts per subnet = 216 - 2 = 65534 host
3. Block subnet = 256 to 255 = 1. So the full subnet: 0,1,2,3,4, etc.
4. Host and broadcast address valid?
Subnet ...
Host First ...
Last host ... 10,254,255,254 10,255,255,254
Broadcast ... 10,254,255,255 10,255,255,255
Hopefully after you have read the last paragraph of this, you have to understand subnetting calculation with the good. Even if not also understand, you continue to repeat this article slowly from the top. Hapalan subnetting techniques for faster, waiting in the next article
Note: All the above calculation of the subnet berasumsikan that the IP subnet-Zeroes (and IP subnet-Ones) is calculated by default. The latest version of Buku Todd Lamle and CCNA also after 2005 to accommodate the problem is the IP subnet-Zeroes (and IP subnet-Ones) this. CCNA pre-2005 does not include default (although in reality we can activate the command ip-subnet zeroes), so it may in some books on CCNA and questions CNAP test, you still find a formula calculation of the number of subnet = 2x - 2 (taken Satrio articles from the facts taken from this site wahono)

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